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Advice to those who are from watching the anime please start from the beginning. Otherwise you will miss out a lot I just started reading this from the beginning of watching the anime and I'm on volume 4 now. what I can say is that I'm kinda disappointed with the anime. A lot of people a complaining about Kiyotaka being different from the anime for I like the way he is in the LN. At least most of us can relate, his just different because of the way he was brought up but also I get to see his emotional part which they removed in the anime. The questions I had after watching the anime are now getting answer. This is a wonderful journey can't wait to reach the destination ❤️❤️
please guys you should add spoiler alert before you spoil
I like his tack tick of shifting attention to others
he means that she has improved a bit from before she more social
you're right man no man can ignore them even if you're a monk
As expected from him
It's not an ill question it has some sense in it, bm