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you we could do that but we won't. they say the environment will be affected without mosquitoes
bro if serci could order killing little finger in the middle of a war then it should not be that hard don't drag it out be concise.
red alert plot device detected
boost the secret of our energy 😁😜😁😜
i was on a tour . i know it doesn't justify my tardiness but give me some leaway
one minute I know i was late but hear me out
yes i finally understood the meaning of life
hey why not just kill reed he is a big trouble magnet does dangerous bs all the time and has no regret over what he does . i personally hate such charecters with zero accountability like an of girl who is ran through by whole of newyork crying about her child getting bullied in school
it took me so long just staring at what you posted to understand it . first i just assumed it was a chinese master but after I took a second i understood and entered an ephifeny