de leitura
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And of course izuku doesn’t get into trouble like ryuu did. No police station for interfering with hero work or nothing and no grounding
No way you are gonna beat out kamui woods. That guy is like a girls dream. Just imagine all the tentacle like things he could do with his quirk
Not really, he semi mastered all four elements within a year
Not that hard? He should have defeated you within 5 seconds
This was stupid, should have been an incredibly easy fight and I’m losing interest when fight scenes which should be easy but are made harder
I may be stupid, but couldn’t he just grab anyone with the force, including her and the battle be done instantly. Or does that special armor negate the force or something? I think I remember hearing something why the Jedi don’t do this is because it’s dishonorable or something stupid like that but he ain’t no Jedi so he should be able to do so, right?
What is this from? I’ve seen this so many times but I never really thought about it
I know nothing about that time but maybe a he was what they would a grey Jedi but more like a grey sith? Idk lol
I hope he is letting her pay.
Agreed, the stock is about to drop again after the stark announcement.