

2021-09-06 UnidoGlobal

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  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Browna year ago

    This author is pretty messed up honestly. I joined probably a little over a year ago don’t really remember but since reading comments I can tell this author take random hiatuses ever 2 yrs or so. Make promises then never returns. I get life is unpredictable and hard but dang you can’t even get back and say 🤷‍♀️ story won’t be continued or something. Disappointed as f*ck cause I actually liked the story

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown2 years ago
    Respondeu a BBJ1111

    I hate both the fl and ml they both toxic insecure and dumb as hell. They deserve each other neither is better than the other. Ravin should get his bond cut off so that he’d be free from that dumb bitch.

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown2 years ago
    Respondeu a Parisian_Moon

    I’m sorry if I’m coming off as entitled and rude but I’m only expressing my opinion. Yes it’s your story and you’re free to do as you please with it I just hate how toxic you made the vampire if he was going to be the ml. He’s a terrible person and I just don’t understand why would you want Luna to be with that absolute abomination. He sucks, he’s insecure as f*ck, has 0 charm?aggressive?ignorant,violent, stuck up and just absolutely horrible. He even f*cking tortured her as punishment like wtf how f*cking twisted was that ravin never did anything like that. Even when he was in the vamp king’s body he never forced or tried to coerce her into giving up her virginity he respected her wishes to stay a virgin yet that bastard the vampire king would’ve done anything to f*ck her not giving af about what she wants, yet she chooses him 🙄 🤦‍♀️. I just don’t get how tf this guy is better than any of the arch demons yet dumb f*ck female lead Luna acts as if it’s all Ravin’s fault that her psychopath husband was heavily influenced by ravin like wtf does she know anyway she’s only been with him like in her lifetime and there time together wasn’t even that long. It just disappoints me how good this story could’ve been if you made the vampire king a better person or made her choose ravin instead.

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown2 years ago
    Respondeu a Parisian_Moon

    There’s another thing I don’t get. If she’s so obsessed with the vampire king because of that dreadful blood bond why tf is she not even in the slightest give af about Ravin or the arch demon of lust? I mean I get it the bond is stronger with her dumb dumb husband but like shouldn’t it be even semi- as strong with Ravin as with the regarded king? Honestly it’s 50% with the asshole king and split 25-25 with the arch demon brothers. But like even after the lust dude has been cut off why hasn’t her bond gotten stronger with Ravin? It should be a good 50-50 by now yet she acts as if there’s nothing between them like at all why would you do that? It makes the blood bond seem like a damn joke. And that justify it every time by saying she wants to be loyal but like why? He treats her like shit. But anyway she wouldn’t be cheating because ravin is also her husband why’d you make the fl so damn dumb. Why name this thing hell’s consort if she doesn’t even entertain the idea of being with 2 guys. It doesn’t even have much to do with hell because all she f*cking cares about is the dumb vampire kingdom which gives her 0 benefits while in hell she got stronger way stronger and can do so much more and things are just so much more interesting in hell. Unlike in the kingdom where two of them only care about f*cking f*cking f*cking and arguing like that’s legit all they do. Atleast in hell there was actually a damn story

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown2 years ago
    Respondeu a Parisian_Moon

    Making the fl choose the vampire king was a dumb decision. He’s toxic af. All he wants is just to control her not let her have a mind of her own totally doesn’t respect her only wants to f*ck her everyday no matter where like she’s a cheap whore keeps getting angry at her for no reason sometimes and just all in a full time asshole. He wants wants her as a mindless puppet f*ck doll. Why th would you do that? While as Ravin he doesn’t only cares about sex, gives her personal space, let’s her have her own decisions and he’s just so much more of a man than that p*say excuse for a husband. That man is a disgusting vicious loser. The fl was strong and independent before you turned her into a mindless judgmental hypocrite. She hates Ravin for being an arch demon yet supports her hubby for wanting to become one she shunned Ravin for killing people for her love even though he didn’t do it himself yet still loves the dumb f*ck vampire even after he massacred a shit ton of demons with his own hands. I just don’t understand you

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown2 years ago
    Respondeu a BBJ1111

    I am very disappointed with the FL. At first she was very strong and independent. But then the blood bond made her stupid judgemental and pathetic. Especially her disgusting worthless pathetic husband the vampire king. I prefer Ravin and sloth any day. FL dumb af 🙄 😒

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown3 years ago

    Uhm I’m thinking of dropping this 😬 I’m sorry but like I can’t anymore 😞 I’m gonna stick to physical books where I don’t have to wait to read the next chapter 😊 Have fun waiting forever guys 😘 Imma head out 😉 Peace ✌️

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown3 years ago

    I love this story The characters are so interesting and funny abs different The only problem I have with this novel is the updating Sometimes it’s a day other times it’s a week, month or even a year before the next chapter updates I have no problem waiting I’m just annoyed because it’s so inconsistent Author, please, I beg you Be more consistent in your updates for the future chapters please and if it’s too much for you just drop it atleast tell us what’s going on and if you need a break because these constant hiatuses is making you lose a lot of readers which I’m sure you don’t want that So as I said before, please be more consistent than b your future updates Bye

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown3 years ago

    The story is amazing, I love the characters and all the steamy and funny scenes my problem is with the updating. It’s very inconsistent. Every chapter I have to wait extensive periods of time and other times not so much,which I wouldn’t have a problem with if I only knew the updating schedule This story updates very randomly and it’s kind of annoying All I want is the author to upload on a more timely basis

  • Kenielya_Brown
    Kenielya_Brown3 years ago

    Um how long do we have to wait for the next chapter? It’s been 24days almost a full month since you uploaded. I have no problem waiting it’s just that your uploads are very inconsistent I just need to know your update schedule. Please be more consistent in your future updates because we really need to know if we have to wait a day,week,month or year before your next update