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You can find the next chapters of this story on the blog ninja-reflection. It is updated every monday. I am telling this because this story is so good and it is such a shame for the readers to not know what happens next (and it is very exciting !). I have hesitated but as the novel is completely dropped ... I will indeed be very happy if the writer here would come back because he updated frequently, had a beautiful writing and translated everything .. if that happens I will delete this commentary :).
I really wish he will come back 😭
Hello, I think we are all worried ! Do you have any news about the translator ? Is he ok ? Is the novel dropped ? Also, have heard some writers and translators use patreon to be supported by theirs readers. I would happily be a small supporter if it helps for him to be rewarded fairly for his works. Best regards
No, the translator is dealing with health family issues see the last reviews of the book.
See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola
Thank you very much for helping ! I hope the translator will take the time he needs to take care of himself and his family.
A beautiful and exemplary translation that is, to me, at professional level for a book featuring a complex love story between two outstanding characters. As a reader, you will never have enough and will just read without stopping ! Many, many thanks to the writer here that has taken such a HUGE work, delivering us chapters on a daily base and deserve immense success.