

2021-08-19 UnidoGlobal

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  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    baby shower? Never Heard of it. The closest thing i can think about would be baptism

    Today marked the 7th month of Kavya's pregnancy and was also the day of her Seemantham, or in Western terms, baby shower.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    Why is he so shocked that england is hostile again? why this long monologe? any non european country must take all colonial nations as assured enemys. Portugal is a exception cuz they wanted independence from spain. In real life if not england other colonial powers would take India in its place

    Vijay's face immediately darkened, and his eyes blazed with killing intent. "Is it fate for such things to happen? Is the destiny of the two nations inseparable in this life too? Never! I will never let it happen. If it has to happen, it will only be over my dead body. So what if the fate of the two nations is such? I will sink that small island if I have to," Vijay muttered, his expression extremely fierce as if he were meeting his mortal enemy.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    I think trained and experienced soildier is trained and experienced soildier

    The conclusion Vijay reached was that the Bharatiya Empire had not gone against anyone of a higher calibre. The Mughal Army could be considered of the same calibre as the Bharatiya Empire and, in most cases, even a lower calibre. As for the Dutch, although their main army could be considered an opponent of the higher class, they had actually sent an untrained army with no battle experience, thinking that the subcontinent was easy to gain a foothold in.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a Wilder6

    especialy if u are the only person in India and world with knowledge of modern technology ...

    It has been two days since the tragic battle against the Swiss mercenaries ended in the fortress of Ballari. It was in this battle that Vijay was injured in various places. Even though he had a very powerful body, super reflexes, and danger-sensing abilities, fighting against so many top-class mercenaries in the world was not an easy task. It was inevitable that he would suffer some injuries.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    i have it! he was said to be a genius but is another dumb system autopilot mc🤬 im dropping this u cant say i didnt give it a chance

    "Was it... because of me?" Eren smiled wryly, realizing that he might have caused a bigger snowball effect than he realized.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    do its a she... who would have thought

    The Phoenix had also lowered her strength as per Eren's instructions, but once again it didn't matter. At the end of the day, it was a Mythical Beast!
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    Mąkę your own decision do not let system decide

    Eren looked at the options, feeling as if these options were really asking him to die. All these options were no different than ticking time bombs.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a Caluem
    He didn't realize that it wasn't the reason at all. The reason Eren didn't arrive with a spatial portal was because he literally couldn't.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    why need he chose anytching at all? He is not a slave or a puppet

    Seeing the options, Eren couldn't control his anger.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    why every other new novel must be a copy paste of already existing novel. At least dont make it too generic

    'Argh, screw it! I'll go with option two!'
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    do cultivator robes have pockets?

    In front of him stood the Blood Asura, capable of killing him before he could even blink. Behind him was the ring from the Hero Academy, and in his pocket was his phone.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    bro wants to be smart but is taking aloud im cultivation world where any cultivator have a sonars insted of ears

    "I was merely talking to myself. Is there something I can help you with?" he replied, attempting to divert her attention.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    There was only one person in the novel that matched her description. It was she who possessed devilish red eyes that looked like they could see through a person's soul.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a DaoistW1mW3u

    its so annoying that sometiemes its not made clear if character is speaking aloud or thinking to himself

    It wasn't wrong to say that he had fooled almost everyone in this sect, not letting anyone know that he was a spy from the Mythical Hero Academy.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    "It's just as the novel described. A skin as flawlessly as a majestic prince of a Dynasty. Long hair, flaming red akin to the setting sun," Eren muttered, his fingers subconsciously running through his long red hair.
    My Beautiful Disciples, I'm really not the Main Character!
    Fantasia · Revonne
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a Utkarsh_8319

    And i thought that since he was a very succesfull Rocket sientist he would immidietly expand tech tree to build a Rocket again... If that before his death chapter was only to make him smart in novel that will ruin the plot in my opinion

    Ch 372 The Swiss: Helvetian Vanguard Part: 1
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a Utkarsh_8319

    *steam engine sad sounds*

    Ch 372 The Swiss: Helvetian Vanguard Part: 1
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    do u know the term "uphill war"or "go to war"? its direct translation from Polish. It means that when u know the terrain and are on your territory u use cavalary or mounted infantry to attack enemy in small groups and slowly chunk them down. Something along scorched earth tactics as well. Its not exacly the same as guerilla tactics but i dont know if that is only for my country cuz we use that term when taking about fighting for independence while hiding in forests

    Ch 372 The Swiss: Helvetian Vanguard Part: 1
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban

    again why not make better cannon sooner? The amount of lifes that could be saved on indian side is huge

    Vijay noticed that although the enemy cannons had a similar range to his giant cannons, they were more accurate than his own. The projectiles consistently hit only a few feet away from their target each time, and the chances of a direct hit were not low either.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru
  • Ofensywny_Cioban
    Respondeu a Rigchel

    they also have naval bases on island near Madagaskar and Indian ocean so bypassing them seems impossible

    He was angry at the Europeans for meddling in affairs that had nothing to do with them and most definitely angry about them cooperating with the Mughal Empire to attack at an opportune time. He was also angry at himself because if he did not have a trump card that ended up slowing down the Mughals, the Europeans who had breached the rear would have run rampant, and it would have taken a lot of effort to take down these elite mercenaries.
    Reborn In 17th century India with Black Technology
    História · Mithun_ReddyGaru