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I cannot believe it ends there. It's mildly frustrating. And the only thing that mainly bothered me about it was the explanation to Flooding Therapy, as while it wasn't wrong, it also wasn't entirely right, it's a therapy designed to help overcome all phobias by forcing someone to face it immediately like clostrophobia but them in a small room, scared of heights? take them bungee jumping, or arachnophobia, make them hold a spider or put them in a room of spiders. It wasn't solely designed for clostrophobia, but I also understand I might not go with the comics flow. Apart from that I've really enjoyed it.
why did it finish so soon??? I thought it was a good comic but a waste of fast passes
Just started reading it, I love that 27 chapters were free, I wish more comics on here were like that... excusing the fact it nearly made me late for work, lmao. other reviews suggest the comic has been discontinued though T-T
Why do all my favourite comics end so quickly T-T
I love it, I'm getting closer to the end, and I still love it. It's one of the best comics I've read on here so far
I haven't finished it yet, however I thought it was worth noting and while this comic is amazing, the character Black shifts to being called Rock with no explanation as if the author forgot his name and it's really annoying me. apart from that the story development, character design and whatnot so far is amazing.
This is amazing!!! I look forward to more comics by the author! The storyline was so interesting, I made it a bedtime ritual to get my fast passes and read 3-4 chapters at night. I'll miss this comic greatly. It's the best I've read so far. The character development, storyline, and overall design were very well presented, I'm sad that it's over. Very well done to the author, and character designers, they all did an excellent job. >.<
It's amazing, for me it was an emotional roller coaster, I'm glad there was a happy ending, the characters both deserved it. I wish there was a second book about them though. T-T
I absolutely loved this, I'm sad it's over but I look forward to other comics by this creator.
absolutely love it, I hope there are more stories like these.