I am just someone who is writing as a hobby. my discord kn_is_otaku#4764
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dude at this point you should have already guessed that the barbarians in the distance are prince's men and he doesn't want them harmed. i think he will guess the same thing next chapter since he already knows it's all an act to fool the imperial court.
i kinda find it kinda downgrading that Lin Xuiming can't seem to grasp the situation. since they time and again that he is pretty smart so I don't think he would get confused this easily. i hope we can have him in our side soon.. I quit like his character.
I know they are building up to it but I don't really want him to end up with her sister, the woman from the delivery was a way better option.
I really hope the aristocrat families attack the prince they need to see what they are up against
6 is First grade in most of Asia countries
they will die of hunger and cold, or try to enter the city by force which will only result in bombs being thrown on them. so this is a good time to be on the north city side. the north fre king is dumb dumb to attack in winter.
the idea was that the game is very dead so even if, fruits looked similar there are not many people who can recognise it even if they do it will chalked up as coincidence or that the fruit in game is based on the real ones since people can't really imagine fruits from video game appearing real world. also I had a plan for plot point where villains figure it out so this all would have made sense to genral public, but since I dropped the novel it no more has any merit.
I just hope their is not a rule in the rule book for prince to hand over the army so when the time comes the families can be shocked to see it was his army all along. also it seems we abandoned the aunt storyline can we just get with and finish that... we are dragging that story line unnecessarily..
he could just meet with them and show them that he is a master it will make them clear their worldview instantly
I kind of think that he should allow them having the name sky wolf people and small pockets of a district to let them live. trying to destroy a culture always back fires so you need to give them a choice of having their culture alive while also being his subjects.