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Twister is a good game for former Numbers though. Follow orders and try to stay in impossible positions...
Now Cobra doesn't have to worry about his false identity...
I hope that wasn't Rex in the ambulance...
I was thinking the same thing. Give all the disbelievers a show to see that it's real.
Oh come on Troy! You have just released your first album! That's definitely worth bragging about!
Just the fact that Jonah is thinking about the future shows how much difference Eden makes for him. Even in the hardest time of the year, he manages to look forward to spending time with her.
When I was younger, about 10 or 11, I went hiking in the mountains with my father. A very popular trail that gave a great view took us about 10 hours to walk 13 kilometres, but that was with plenty of stops. It was also about 1000 metres difference in altitude...
Says the man who's also still single and gets punched by the boyfriends of the girls he tries to woo 🤨