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Truly an interesting case we have here.
Pretty incredible work here, especially for something so early in. I primarily have nothing but praise for this novel, I mean, I binge read it faster than I do most else. But really this story has had such an incredible progression, the writing quality feels top notch (for the site), and it just feels like this is the start of something great. My main positives: I love the pace here, MC progresses fast, maybe a tad too fast at times, but never too slow Only 230 chapters in and the scope of this world already feels so vast, and if it’s properly explored, will be incredible (SERIOUS props to author on this). Cool enemy and game design and great setup for many future plot lines. Those are the just the huge positives but there is dozens more, now here’ just the most minor of qualms: Slightly concerned about introduction of unused characters, some of them are awesome,but many feel as though they’l serve a purpose and never be seen again MC hasn’t a ton, but I do suppose this can be excused considering there’s quite literally a trait on his soul dedicated to seeking his revenge :P. Anyway, short for time on this review but INCREDIBLE job, can’ wait to see where this goes!