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Domestic gf vibes
No. A wormhole is a tear that links 2 in space, With a clear entrance and exit. Gojo folds the space together, the entrance and exit being the same point. Space moves to accommodate Gojo. the space connected by a wormhole is static.
Anybody around captain level was basically fodder for the devils. The 2 strongest captains couldn't even hold off the hosts, let alone actual devils, so let's hope Sebastian gets stronger😭
Second half of the story felt rushed. no real threat, or pay off. The MC got too powerful, too quickly, and the narrative sort of halted like 50 chapters ago.
fix him name😭 you've tried to give him a Japanese name, but spelt it In a way that's impossible in Japanese.
wrong onomatopoeia if the shield shattered
it's not just the plan I have an issue with. The poor prose, grammar, logic... The whole cast is dumbed down to make the MC look smarter because the author isn't clever enough to write intelligent characters. The plan itself isn't a plan at all. There's no nuance, remarks on political ramifications, no protection from leaks, no real structure etc. It's the delusions of a poor writer trying to appear better than they are. No thought has gone into it.
Big leap in logic dude I could be a professional hater for all you know. I've watched all of twilight, I don't think I need to say anything more, do I🤔