A four scientists unknowingly opened the door of the hell way and they went to the hell with the soul camera, they invented. And they are getting goosebumps after finding interesting about the hell.
" What happened to Hell Protector Wren Kabono? What we are going to do now? "
" Penelope Jennings, How we are going to destroy that bad Avallach Liege Lord?".
How we can destroy him just like that?
" In the hell, we have to invent a brightest light to destroy this bad spirit. And we have to do this very careful, many spirits are living in the hell school".
What ??????? We have to invent a brightest light ah???
Yes, it's up to us....
This work should not be printed or published or copied without permission of the author and even dialogues also.)
Kamali_S · Fantasia