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Anticipated that 😁
Bro... your dislike is oozing out of you 😅 but you are right 👍. the PROPER translations of their storys are more popular than the originals for those reasons , and when I say translation i mean the translation of the MEANING of the story NOT JUST THE LANGUAGE (Most certainly not those mechine translations💢💢💢).
finally .... 👍
you know for someone who is standing butt-naked in forest for some time already ... i don't think changeing the name to the same name comes as first priority.( atleast for me)
thankfully HE didn't considered choosing Natasha Romanoff as a name....😒
author, u created such a detailed and long incident just for mc's death (which i appreciate ) where u could have just written that mc died in a terrorist attack in mall without going into much details . yet here mc doesn't even know where he is other than a forest near a settlement, he doesn't yet knows which or what type of world he is in , how can he decides that he is the progenitor ?
he just decided that he is the progenitor just like that ? without checking or finding out anything , or even doing anything ? it's almost like someone becoming ruler of the whole world with just thinking and can order around everyone.
that's AT
not again danm it.....😒😒😒😒
the poor owl 😅😅 i really hope somebody transmigrate into that poor owl as an extra in hp world.