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They share the majority of the culture , a bit like Rome and Greece. They share a lot and are different in other things . Also the originale lineare that conquered North came from the south , so of course the starting point was the same , but then the two sides diverged
Sam reason why It was in christianity , It was thought to be a connection with demons .
Well it has got to do with how a person can be attached to religion, in the north shamans are the explanation for the forces of nature they don't understand, so their follower's faith come from fear. As for the religion of the five gods, it is more for the poor and weak , as it preaces good value such as that of family, valour , courage. Also nowhere is said that the priest of the five gods cannot practice magic.Of course they are persecuted and burnt from it, but many times they are seen as miracles.The fact that magic is much more strong in the north, is that those that practice it are not burnt at the stake but celebrated, hence there is much more magic in the north that in the south.The same thing happen in the west with the sultanate of Azani, as those that practic magic are celebrated as priests.Hence why magic is much more present in Azania and the norther wasteland north of the Bane.
Of course the marriage Will still continue he has After all gained a throne with It , It would be bullshit to divorce her considering that he has Power over a princedom through her.
Eventually I plan on doing that
sorry I am italian isn't euphenism like a figurative metaphor
Yeah but the things that were in the Camp were taken , burnt Is AN euphenism , they were not literally burnt It Just mean nothing Is left there
cant work the herculian army dont have that Much food ( There was a famine It was the whole point of the rebellion)
Dude look at the map , trade between the two Is direct there Is no router between either Herculia or Kakunia . Also why the hell would either of them want to tariffa their own caravans?
First of all empire Is in a civile war , what actual benefit would he get from spending troops aidimg Alpheo?Their merchant pass Simply toward Yarzat . Also the empire and southern principality are like Persia and Greece. As soon as It send men even to aid One of the green city -state you have a coalition in your hands. Hence It Is a bad idea for both