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Does anyone know if 122 is actually the end to this? It says Completed but 122 felt like a cliff-hanger
I actually finished this a week ago, and I just wanna say. I feel like 49 was very much neglected once preparations to save 51 started. Kdj gave him the best parts of himself so he is not at all a 'fake' , only that he has an avatar's body. It's just very sad, and I would have liked to see in the ending how 49's memories of post-apocalypse came back to Kdj. We already know how insecure he is and finds it hard to accept love and affection from kimcom, so I think being treated like that would cause him to put up more walls than before. lmao I love kimcom ok !! I just want them to suffer (a little bit more) for putting 49 through that! I know they definitely love Kdj, but they should learn to love everything about him. Only then will I think that they deserve our one and only reader.
u dont understand how much i adore it
yall love bullying gpd istg 😂😂
can u hear my heart shattering
come on he loved them as much you did 😭😭😭
alone my foot. fuck off star stream