A purebred Ukrainian, nationalist, Banderite, applied mathematician, pretending to be a coder, Ancient Zglo, Tinyok... *three fucking hours later* and just a nice guy! And most importantly - MODEST!!!
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Dude, they have quality ships. Yes, but That said, you have to realise that the bigger ships lose to the smaller ones. CARL! Manoeuvrability is BETTER than firepower. A large number of small ships will destroy a large ship because it cannot realise its full potential. In addition, the experience and knowledge of the commanders decides a lot. You can have a fleet three times bigger, but a man superior to you in tactics will blow you away. In history there are many cases when the minority defeated the majority and quality at the expense of tactics and many conditions. +The author himself observed that the Prusaks did not fight any great sea battles.
Someone was inspired by the ‘Battle of the Bastards’ from War of Thrones.
The spear has range and awesome stabbing lunges, just don't let the enemy get close and stab.
It's the best of the simple. Just... Damn it, in a one-on-one fight, a villager with a spear will win much more often than with a sword, a club, or even a bow. And a villager with a spear just shuts you up to death))))))))
Just because even Kaguya didn't do it doesn't mean she couldn't do it. Or do you think the techniques shown in the anime are all that exist? For example, Kakashi knows over a thousand techniques, but he didn't show a tenth of them in the anime. Same with Kaguya, she's freakin' Ootsutsuki. I'm sure she may well have had something or maybe, but not everything is as simple as it seems.
Find that kind of information, OFFICIAL. I am more than certain that nowhere has it been OFFICIALLY mentioned that it is possible to destroy the soul. Nor that it CANNOT be destroyed....