

2021-05-24 JoinedGlobal



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  • SPSD
    SPSDa month ago
    Replied to Alex_king

    Better. But I've started to not take too much time on web novel, So updates might slow down in the future or not at all. We'll just have to see I guess. 👍

  • SPSD
    SPSD2 months ago
    Replied to system

    I mean the hunter pathway is definitely 'brave'. probably also the reason there is no red priest to speak of. lol

  • SPSD
    SPSD3 months ago
    Replied to Aden_Harrison

    In the mythology, Shiva's Dance, known as the 'Tandav' is the precursor to destruction of the universe. His dance is what initiates the destruction and as it ends, a new cycle starts. Basically, Shiva's dance makes creation itself tremble.

  • SPSD
    SPSD5 months ago

    This is definitely one of the better stories on the site. Very well crafted and immaculate execution can be seen through the work. Lotm is a great power system and so, the Mc has a great cheat. More often than not, fanfics on the site are little more than teenagers writing dumb stuff that can be equivalent to brain rot. However, this story seems incredibly natural and good to read. Dialogue delivery is nice and progresses smoothly. It may get a little hard to understand upon the philosophical bits but that can be ignored. Story development is great, but then again, not many major events have happened as of yet. (Writing the review at 51st or 53rd chapter I think) Character design seems good. Certainly many layers can be seperated from a character that makes up for a compelling read. The moral dilemmas of the Mc are natural and don't seem forced. The only real problem is the updating stability, which gets 3 stars. but hey, at least we're getting chapters still and it isn't yet dropped.

  • SPSD
    SPSD5 months ago

    I do think the way Mahoraga's adaptation works is, even if he really gets immunity to a certain aspect, he would keep adapting to more effectively counter that aspect. Like in Gojo's case, bypassing infinity was not enough so he sliced through space, if that had not been enough, he would have adapted a third time, if not, an even stronger fourth adaptation would follow. Mahoraga adapts more and more, getting exponentially stronger until he can defeat an opponent. Solely getting an immunity is not what the adaptation does, and so, there should be no problem with his growth. But hey, you do you. The story is already very good. Kepp up the good work👍👍

  • SPSD
    SPSD6 months ago

    Hmm🤔 This 'training arc' is not fulfilling at all. What should have been an interesting delve into the deeper parts of the fundamentals that govern the world has been skipped over in just a few chapters without having any type of content at all. Let me explain more clearly, in the ancient setting in which Ramayana is set, the Gurukul system was a very revered education system with little to no flaws. Students learned absolutely everything that there was to offer. The teachers, which were the Gurus and Sages taught them Philosophy, Astronomy, Economy, Knowledge of Worldly Affairs, Astra and Shastra Vidya, Humility, Moral code of conduct, Dharma, Servitude and Ruling, Sciences, Medicine(Aaurvedha), and a lot of other things. [At least according to my knowledge] The Period of life which made the child attend the Gurukul extended from early childhood all the way to before adulthood. Meaning, anywhere between 5 to 17 or 21 Years old. Not only could the arc have considered to be an interesting dive into the entire world building and the powers which govern the world, in essence, delving deeper into the various components of the myths, it could have proved a very important point in the story with a lot of emotional impact if the matters of teaching and the philosophical guidances were correctly conducted. I'm sure there are still more chapters to this teaching, but it seems empty, devoid of any useful content that would help the reader understand the world or the characters therein better. All we've seen is Meghnad getting here, Shukracharya spouting some philosophical stuff which doesn't even make sense in the overall theme that has been established, and him not even taking the time to teach meghnad properly. The way the entire 'teaching' dynamic has been tackled is idiotic. Shukracharya is a very powerful and knowledgeable sage and is revered as the Guru of the Asuras. Him not taking the initiative to properly teach Meghnad is illogical. An example would be in this very chapter and the previous ones. Swing the sword while channeling your inner strength? How is he supposed to do that? the most basics of the yogic practices would be to meditate and unlock his root Chakra, to tap into the kundalini. However, even without that, he's already learned an Astra, a divine weapon that stems out from the pure knowledge of the universe. Also, we haven't seen him learn anything else from the guy. Is the Astra literally the first thing he taught him? I dont think Shastra Vidya starts so soon in the Gurukul, not to mention Astra Vidya, for which the students need to be properly educated on the pure scale of the universe before recieving. I suggest not doing so in any of the other works that you might be attempting to make. Properly establishing the world and the characters will engage readers. Doing this only makes the readers feel lost. We haven't spent a lot of time with the characters and things are already moving so fast. Anyways, good luck👍

  • SPSD
    SPSD7 months ago
    Replied to Suryaputra_Karna01

    No problem😊

  • SPSD
    SPSD7 months ago
    Replied to Suryaputra_Karna01

    OK, first of all, thanks for the clarification. Second of all, that is a major spoiler for the novel. For a simple question such as this, you could have simply replied with "The rule hasn't been changed, it has simply been overridden under certain conditions. That is all I can say." Thanks regardless. I posted a review, it was my honest thoughts up until now, hope it helps you in some way. 👍👍

  • SPSD
    SPSD7 months ago

    I don't know what to say about this one. it's a pretty weird piece if work that feels... off to read. I started this without any expectations, but as I read, I was pleasantly surprised at first. It is an entertaining read and is a good way to pass time if you have too much of it. Though, all things considered, there is something very much off about the way the story is presented, the pacing, the dialogue delivery and the established characters. Lets go over all the Main points. Writing quality: I won't be lying, it feels like you are over compensating. In the few 30 chapters I read, I noticed quite a few peculiar words and sentence structures being repeated. Threads of Destiny, Cosmic Damce, Cosmic Order, Celestial Harmony, etc are thrown all over the place. It does not feel organic at all. It would be impactful they are used in sparingly, but throwing them all in just like that makes the work feel weird to read and even a bit disengaging. Story Development: Again, I won't be lying, the story development is awful. Sense of pacing is all over the place. In the very first few chapters, we get a climactic battle of Cosmic proportions, yet there is no engagement in the conflict at all. We know everything will turn out okay because we know the original Ramayana, and we knew that the Mc can't die yet, because the story needs to continue. The conflict between the Asura and the Devas feels bland and uninteresting. Not to mention we aren't even given a comprehensive understanding of the power system at that point, so such a large scale battle which could be used as a great way to develop the plot and gain tension was wasted. Another thing about the power system is the fact that the author introduces completely new elements into the story. Which is not wrong per se, but there is the fact that we don't even have the slightest understanding of even the most basic forms of power in the Universe, and hence, I felt lost and downright uninterested. Character Design: We don't spend a lot of time with any character. There are some dialogues here and there, which to be honest is not productive at all. The major figures do not talk as they should be, the writing feels way too poetic to read and the dialogue reflects that in some way or form. Dialogue is the way we get the most familiar with characters and it does not do that here. Major events are skipped over the in the matter of a few chapters or even a single chapter. There is a sense of alienation. The time that needs to be taken to get to know characters is simply absent. It is akin to not having a character to present at all. Updating stability: It is good. World Background: Considering the context of the Ramayana, the world building already gets a great score, solely based on the type of work it is trying to adapt. Short note: It is an somewhat good read but only to pass time. There is a lot of potential in the way it can be developed still but the opportunities one gets at the start of the novel are already gone. It cannot be classified as a gem or anything of the sort. In essence, a typical webnovel with a still learning author. Good luck author 👍, hope you get better at writing and deliver masterpieces in the future. I would suggest reading novels like Lord of Mysteries and Shadow Slave to get a batter sense of how characters and pacing can be set in the work.