


Fantasy author. Support me by following my story here at WebNovel. Thank your for reading my stories!

2021-05-27 UnidoPhilippines



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  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a _H_U_S_T_L_E_R_

    Can't say the specifics... Real life things has been a messy thing for a while now, but I will keep updating this one as much as possible...

    Ch 118 The Supreme Elder
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a CCP_ARE_RETARDED

    Your profile pic speaks nothing but the irony of the famous meme about the same guy. Get a life and move on.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lotion_99

    I'm sorry but you are the clown here. If you are reading the chapters properly, it is his mask that control his emotions to an extent that he doesn't act like an idiot. And no, I'm not trying to be funny. I'm displaying the MC's true self when he isn't wearing the mask and see how it differs from the standpoint of him when he is acting as the academy master. Also, everyone can shift if and only if they understand the mysteries of magic itself. That's why she said only archmages. Bro, they are called ARCHMAGES for a reason, the pinnacle of magic cultivation as introduced ON THIS WORLD. If they can't do jackass shit like that, they wouldn't become archmages. Moreover, I haven't even discussed in depth on the various details like the power system, political system, and other information at this early of a chapter or else you would then complain that I'm info dumping which is also boring. I can be as in depth as you like but I'm afraid you are not at the level to comprehend the complexity of my magic system, or even the background story of the MC himself.

    Ch 27 Pursued by the Elves
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lotion_99

    Over the past two months... Shouting is just his way to visualize the spell and in some other way, add a sort of dramatic feeling, a tradition that became a norm in the magic system.

    Ch 21 Staff of Demonic Oblivion
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lotion_99

    The power isn’t the point of their surprise but the fact that he is casting spells without conjuring magic circles nor rarely incantate them. That is the main reason they are awed.

    Ch 18 Displaying Prowess
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer

    Shadow is just how he ’terms’ his attacks. It’s basically dark element, though ‘specialized’ or styled in a way based on the beast.

    Ch 101 Intense Battle (2) - Fire and Shadow
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lucifer_Loop_

    Depends on their magic root but generally they could be categorized as normal.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lucifer_Loop_

    In the case of the world in Aludia, they have a different school system for different species due to that difference in maturity development. This is will be explained later in the story though.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Lucifer_Loop_

    Ah, well my age system is somewhat related to the 'growth' of species from one to another. Just like how humans have longer lives than dogs or cats, a similar logic can be applied here. Organs like brain and such develop slower for demi-humans, resulting to them maturing slower than the others. Of course, if they (demi-humans) are nurtured 'properly', some unusual specimen can and will develop 'faster' than the norm of their group, most likely on equal terms to a human or even surpass it.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Waltzing_Yard

    Well, for your first point, introducing MC's backstory in the first 40 chapters is a bit too much. And as for the heavily reliant on system, nah, he ain't. Probably in the first few chapters, of course, cuz he needs some damn help. That's like a 'tutorial' session for a new player when they play a new game. You want him to become a lord almighty after 5 chapters? Go read some chinese stuff. That ain't gonna happen here. The power system is not explained in the early chapters because why would I? There's no point doing so and the problem of how to fit it in that early part of the story. Otherwise, the first 40 chapters would just be full of useless info dumps here and there. As for the villains... I don't understand why should I spoonfeed readers about all information at once. And the 2-dimensional argument, where did that came from? Maybe we should try to re-define what a 2-dimensional character is. If you really know what I'm trying to do, then I guess you should be able to understand the rest of the story then, and your rating would be very different... Whew, readers gonna be arrogant after reading a lot of stories, thinking this one is similar to the rest. But I guess it is what it is then.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Michael_Prue

    I used the tree rings as a reference because I was running out of ideas before, but you can think of it that way.

    [ Magic Power: Trainee Mage (Full Ring) ]
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Hadi_Djouini

    They called him smart after post-reading chapters 40+......??? Smh, the system would obviously give him everything from the start because it's the start. What's the purpose of being an assistant then if it can't do its job properly? OR maybe if you read past chapters 40+, you can see how MC rarely uses the system for his development and the additional reason why would the system help him. There's no point in making a slow-paced grinding story. You want a talk about day-to-day interactions in the classrooms with no plot progression after 100 chapters? This ain't that sort of novel and I'm not sorry if you are disappointed because there's no reason for me to be. I'd rather show the results of their every day school life rather than narrate it in a boring way. Of course, won't bother you if you won't read the rest. And for the 'generic cultivation', it's only a cultivation novel at the start since I have to explain the magic system or else people would complain (again) why I'm not explaining anything.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a TheUrbanKing

    This review is so wrong at many points that I am laughing at your arguments. The MC is a coward or a faker? Bro, have you not read what his position is and the fame that that position carries alongside it? AN ACADEMY MASTER OF A GREAT EDUCATIONAL MAGIC INSTITUTION. Go find me an academy master that will not act superior upon other people or beings and is a pushover when he interacts with the rest. You even want him to not have a magic root, do you hear yourself? It's like asking a surgeon to not have limbs in order to become a surgeon and conduct surgeries. This is so dumb, what's the point of making him an MC or an academy master in the first place. You also ask, why would MC hide behind the mask? You want me to make the first 40 chapters an info dump of telling stuff that isn't even related based on the situation that is unfolding? There's no sense in 'nurturing' a single student either because clearly, the MC doesn't have a magic root at that point, and he wouldn't dare to do without it. THAT IS HOW HE THOUGHT OF IT, and extremely worried and paranoid person, and do you know why? Oh I guess I won't have to tell you since you said that you know what I was trying to do, yeah? If you understand what I'm trying to do, like the omniscient god you think you are, then you wouldn't have bothered to write this review and argue those points at all.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a HenTye

    Yeah, something like that

    [ Name: Geron ]
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Circlethatone

    That was on Emi's mind, actually (off-screen), after seeing the destroyed village. But Jinmu was there to convince her of things, so yeah, here she remains.

    Ch 65 Meeting His Students as Kai
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Ashton_A

    No, my point still stands. It's not about raising a good person regardless of their talent or power. It's about raising highly potential students that are morally good people. Note that this is in the context under the situation that he is testing the recruits, not when they are already accepted into the academy. Tell me what would the MC do if he chances upon a devilish individual with extremely potent talent....... Look, I'm going to summarize it in one sentence under MC's perspective. "I know you are powerful and talented and all, but how does your personality fare to the potential power that you dearly hold?"

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Ashton_A

    I think you misunderstood the context about talent. It is that the main focus of a student's development, in the case of this academy, is personality, not the student's power. They will naturally become stronger due to their talents (as required by the academy), so it no longer matters much how MC strategizes in his teachings to power them up, but more on how can he develop their personality so that they don't end up abusive of their powers or deranged in the future. AS for the punishment, what do you think the system should do when the MC fails? The task about helping the little girl not only involved her, but another captured royal descendant so failing on it will spread negative reputation around. Even if they don't know who he is, they know how he looks like, and the poachers, who will return alive back to their HQ, will spread the news. Remove the existence of the system and put MC on the same task. If he fails, the same outcome of failure will happen. The system narrates WHAT WILL HAPPEN on failure, not because that is what the system wills to do.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Ijekiel_Pendragon

    That's why Veron labeled them as fools.

    "Where is Haera? I need to see her now. And don't start by saying you don't know because clearly, you are Veron Zumfiel from the Zumfiel Noble Household."
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Reiya_Alberich

    Yes, he will.

    Ch 62 Wanting To Meet Her Again
    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer
  • Mister_Writer
    Respondeu a Forst_Lost

    All I can say is it is to prevent the Otherworld from tracking their current actions and to protect the inhabitants indirectly. Any academy presence in an area leads to two outcomes, complete destruction or the Otherworld simply leaves. In addition, the two parties are rivals so they are bound to gather information against one another. The inhabitants chanced upon the Otherworld's archives after they defeated the demonic creatures. They would then know of the academy and the Otherworld takes note of it. Wiping the inhabitants' memories at that moment would prove the Otherworld's assumption that the academy is nearby and it is time to attack. At that point, the academy can't do much. Burning them in advance wouldn't help either. The demonic creatures are intelligent and has eidetic memory. They will know what was on a particular place and if the inhabitants missed some information, they'll know that the academy is in play. Also, the historical archives inscribed on the libraries are legends only in name. Except for a few people (those who read the archives left by the Otherworld), the public is oblivious or doubtful of the academy's existence.

    My System Academy
    Fantasia · Mister_Writer