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I’m going to rate this book now cause so far it’s a good book amazing word is created. This book is amazing so far a lot of funny references to tv shows, video games an real work keep up the brilliant writing please 🙏🏾
lol the arrow to the knee lol
I will start it today and see how it goes
Your last book was amazing now this one. I have to say your a top notch author not many books can hook me this many chapters. Now this is solid work you’ve done keep up the excellent work 🙏🏾 please.
It reminds me of helldiver or starship troopers with magic love it
I seee what your doing lol
This man seems like a villain with logic and I like it
No thank you 🙏🏾 for the outstanding read I’m going to start the other books
This book was amazing very upscale on the action it had everything I wanted I love your writing skills
I don’t usually give a book a crazy high rating but this book is a masterpiece I hope other novels you right can be just as beautiful 🤩