



2021-05-25 UnidoUnited States



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  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a holt_kessho

    👍 Thank you for taking my advice seriously even if it's not always worded the best, some authors Throw temper tantrums and outright drop books cuz someone gave reasonable criticism Won't be naming names but one author Rage quit and Disappeared off webnovel when his MCs Name was "Kevin" and someone commented with the minion meme 😅

    + 10 stats to Vit, Cha ,and luck.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    School Would Rather Spend a year and a half to 2 and a half years teaching about WW2 6 Months on the civil war 6 months on The great depression ect I Might be able to name 15 States and 60~/314? Countries and I was a A and B student without needing to study American High School Isn't About learning but about American Propaganda My Most Useful Class was Weight Lifting let that sink in My most Important class was lunch cuz if it wasnt for that class I'd be dead due to a stroke probably 50x over My Brain was litterly Shutting down due to a lack of salt which the school provided

    "Latin America?, Is that something to eat?", Milcar asks with genuine surprise, Kazuma sighs, shaking his head.
    Cultivating in this Wonderful World
    Anime e quadrinhos · TGThegood
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    i mean... After you Kill the demon King? You can Instantly Become a god if you want or Millions of other things

    However, he came to this world where there are no amazing superpowers, where you cannot cultivate Qi and you cannot increase your life expectancy, nor seek immortality, neither can humans reach the level of a god. 
    Cultivating in this Wonderful World
    Anime e quadrinhos · TGThegood
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    I mean if All it takes is being a chick? and I'm not sent to a Hentai, Goblin Slayer, AoT, Boku No piece, One Peice (Find as a man but a female in it?) among many others some like this one Mecha ALL girls can pilot a Mecha but only 1 Guy can (His older sister Created the Mechas)

    It was either wait for a painful and slow death or try the ridiculous ritual, so Milcar drank ten cups of coffee, injected himself with a bunch of forbidden substances to reduce the pain, took a kitchen knife, amputated his own p*nis and ran naked through the streets of his city in the middle of the night. 
    Cultivating in this Wonderful World
    Anime e quadrinhos · TGThegood
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    looks like my 3rx message was Shadow banned so

    Este número foi suprimido.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Hell I'd take Yamato over this Even if they were the same price at least Yamato can Cut Through Space What am I going to do with Naruto Take over the world for a year then die? End the Human race? Dude probably couldn't even do that in a year unless he was in Sage mode and he'd instantly get kicked out of that the very second he starts Genocide and the fact a single Nuke ends him If naruto cost this much for a year what's Goku cost the same ammount for a second? and no I'm not a Goku simp Sataima Would win if Goku didn't go all out the very second the fight started and Ben would Clap Goku before Goku was even born Just the fact Goku can wipe entire planets off the map in a spar

    Este número foi suprimido.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    NVM 750 BILLION? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND? Id Rather Have the Hacking skills or Cooking Talent at least that way I'm getting my money's worth or close to my money's worth respectably

    Este número foi suprimido.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Why the hell would you waste 75 Mil? Bil? For Naruto as a summon for 1 year if it was Permanent Maybe 7.5 Mil

    Este número foi suprimido.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Should be +10 CHA and +100 Luck She's the Goddess of LUCK The CHA is soly for Getting a Goddess as a Girl Friend

    + 10 stats to Vit, Cha ,and luck.
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Rec 200 Starting HP

    HP: 350/350
    a grand journey: starting with wishes
    Anime e quadrinhos · holt_kessho
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Welp thank you for posting it here even if it is stolen much easier to read

    - In Dark-Mode, this is harder to see... If this story is on any-other site than Scribble Hub, then it was stolen without permission!
    DXD : Ray Gremory
    Anime e quadrinhos · Kuropon
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    TBH it's probably closer to self prophecy If he didn't Eat his kids and Raised them properly Was a Good and Wise King? Sure he might have to deal with a rebellion or two but he won't ever have to deal with an outright war Zeus is in a similar situation he's a terrible parent to his demigods and should they gain the gods as a common enemy? Luckily They don't come together enough for that to happen

    Why is Kronos, even as a Titan God-King who has reached the level of an Ancient God, still bound by the curse of fate? The core issue is that this is a curse placed by Uranus, another Ancient God. As a subsequent generation, Kronos must accept this, unless...
    I Am Hades, Lord of the Underworld! (Saint Seiya AU)
    Anime e quadrinhos · Mutter
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a kingofknights

    One Theory thou is Conspectal Incompatibly for example if someone was known to have personality Slain Every last King Queen Noble Royalty ect personally bringing an end to The Age of Royalty He'll Gain a subtrait? not sure what exactly We'll Hell Probably gain a NP for it but besides that he'll Conspectally Be stronger against Kings Queens And Nobility even If your known to reject any women who isnt a virgin your be More resistant to Mebd while if your known to sleep around for fun it'd be harder to resist Not the best Explanation But Due to conflicting Legends probably would have been easier to just say that A Example would be Jeane Is Weak to Fire But If she was burned by a member of the Church? Extra Weak Burnt by a Brit? Extra Weak Her Legend Has her Weak to Fire while being Burnt alive by Brits and Christian Church members Now obviously It isn't some world ending change but 10 percent more give or take Extra or reduced damage/effect can make a bit of a difference

    Was Merlin afraid of Nero?
    FATE: The Man with Divine Keys
    Anime e quadrinhos · VALRRR
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a

    looks like your theory got shadow banned then 😅 Honestly is very annoying

    Was Merlin afraid of Nero?
    FATE: The Man with Divine Keys
    Anime e quadrinhos · VALRRR
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a kingofknights

    what is your theory cuz I gave 3 Solid ones running in my mind rn

    Was Merlin afraid of Nero?
    FATE: The Man with Divine Keys
    Anime e quadrinhos · VALRRR
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    L for Israel wait does this mean no twin Towers? due to The fact Israel won't be in a civil war

    Due to changes in history, the Jewish nation of Israel, established in the Far East, was about to disappear into the other side of history no sooner had it been 'founded'.
    Became Hitler
    Livros e literatura · 4Eyes
  • King_Of_SpaceTime

    Not on the list but we need a drunk Gangster especially in a "Big Foreign City" Like when he goes to NY Or Las Vegas or Hollywood ect he Comes across a Drunk Gangster about to do bad things if not a Gangster a Actor who has a secret hidden side would also work

    If you're on this list and want to choose your character's name, you can comment in the chapter or send me a message on discord!)
    Gamer Superstar
    Fantasia · NunuXD
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a Dstar_17

    Think it was from it also Thou it's from like 3 or 4 different ones at least (Only counting those above 100k words)

    My sacred gear was made by the man who was able to seal Trihexa. If even a little of the experience carries over that is immense. Seals could apparently get strong enough to seal Trihexa.
    Highschool DxD: Dragon's Ascent
    Anime e quadrinhos · Bronz_Deck
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a Rusty_noddle12

    never heard someone Call Lightning Plasma until Now thou IG it's not all that far of from "Supercharged Light Ions" Also what exactly is the speed of plasma then cuz to my knowledge Plasma is a Theorized Weapon and Energy for Si-Fi with Unconfined Realism beyond Theory

    First, I caught all of them off guard and snapped their neck without even wasting a second. Second and most important, being a Fanalis alone guaranteed my victory. I can break steel as easily as tofu with my greatly enhanced strength. I am even faster than lightning as it has been seen in Magi that Morgianna could dodge a lightning spell proving the speed of a Fanalis.
    One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats
    Anime e quadrinhos · Isekai_enjoyer
  • King_Of_SpaceTime
    Respondeu a Rusty_noddle12

    So What Now your Saying It is light speed while saying at the same time it's not?

    First, I caught all of them off guard and snapped their neck without even wasting a second. Second and most important, being a Fanalis alone guaranteed my victory. I can break steel as easily as tofu with my greatly enhanced strength. I am even faster than lightning as it has been seen in Magi that Morgianna could dodge a lightning spell proving the speed of a Fanalis.
    One Piece: The Cheapskate of the Straw Hats
    Anime e quadrinhos · Isekai_enjoyer