

2021-05-18 UnidoGlobal

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  • Ma_Se
    Respondeu a Holyhandgrenade

    and SEPTember was the seventh month in their calendar.

    "Now, the second verse: Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies. July is the seventh month. But it could be talking about the seventh month after the prophecy was made, and if you were doing the interview in the summer, that would put the month of birth of the child in January, February, or March. Now, the death of the seventh month could be about a child birth just as a person named Julio dies, after all July was named after the Roman Emperor Julius Caesar. The 'thrice defied him' could limit your choices, but then it could be about any couple that said or did anything that went against the Dark Lord creed three times. That is a kind of defiance too, is it not?"
    High Human in Crossed Worlds - A HP x DxD Fic
    Livros e literatura · DonnutHermit
  • Ma_Se
    Respondeu a JTGTitan_96

    dont think that there were many trains running on coal left in the 1990's in Britain. but you are right, forgot about coal :)

    "Let's go, darling. Mr. Morningstar said we need to get to London. The next train is in 15 minutes; we should hurry up!"
    Hogwarts : leveling up the world
    Filmes · The_last_airbender
  • Ma_Se

    this "hiding" thing is really stupid IMO. noone cares if he is good at school as long as he doesnt show abilities that he should only have years later.

    His father had already scolded him for his grades. Not because they were bad, but because they were too unusual. After all, no one is average at everything.
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Ma_Se

    Yes, a map would be appropriate for first years.

    "A map, perhaps would be more appropriate then. "
    Harry Potter: Another Chance
    Livros e literatura · Krio_Genix
  • Ma_Se

    how do they already have access to his money?

    As if his headache just got worse, which with the thought of having to deal with an angry Molly Weasley it did. Albus could already see how that meeting was going to go. If it is about what he thinks about, then he was stumped on what to do. A part of him wanted to press charges, but the other part didn't want to see a family split up. He was in a demilia since it probably wasn't their own money paying for schooling either.
    Harry Potter: The Immortal Lycan
    Filmes · LegendaryChaos
  • Ma_Se

    Dont want to be that guy(ok I want to), but the measurement of the meter wasnt defined until 1793.

    "We are at the top of a chain of mountains that the locals call Anti. We are at one of its tallest peaks, at six thousand meters above the sea."
    High Human in Crossed Worlds - A HP x DxD Fic
    Livros e literatura · DonnutHermit
  • Ma_Se

    Lucius will be happy to know that all the changes happened because he sent the dirary to HOgwarts :)

    Erik made a backhanded comment to the staff. Most of the staff's faces went into a bloodthirsty grin with that comment. They knew that heads would roll in this meeting, metaphorically speaking, of course, not literally… Maybe? They could only hope, after all.
    High Human in Crossed Worlds - A HP x DxD Fic
    Livros e literatura · DonnutHermit
  • Ma_Se

    so he isnt on the level of the first transfiguration lesson?

    "I need to know how to turn matchstick into a needle."
    HP: Ronan's Journey
    Livros e literatura · YashVardhan_OG
  • Ma_Se

    Really great story so far. I hope this Harry to change things up, he seems to have the ambition for that. Snape should be in for a bad time, Binns should be binned, Lucius is not allowed to get to Sirius or something like that.

    Ch 23 Hidden Darkness
    Harry Potter: No More Simping
    Livros e literatura · Mystic_Verse
  • Ma_Se

    he said at the beginning of the duel club that the monster had a deathstare...

    "Well, that's something you guys can find out. I am pretty sure Professor Dumbledore is already aware of the identity of Slytherins Monster. All facts considered it's pretty obvious. The more important questions are 'Where is the Chamber of Secrets?' and 'Who is the Heir of Slytherin?'" explained Matthew, "Harry you shouldn't worry too much. Rather keep calm and don't get into the trouble."
    Magus of the Wizarding World
    Livros e literatura · Arrowinmyknee
  • Ma_Se

    didnt she swear an oath not to reveal it in front of others? or wasnt that a magical oath? otherwise, she has just broken it.

    "Is that your sacred gear?" Daphne asked, remembering that he had revealed the existence of his sacred gear before to Hermione, Tracey, and her.
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se
    Respondeu a john_mark_7956

    so the plot can happen without change. isnt it obvious?

    "How about you spend the rest of the summer in the Wizarding World? From what I heard, Tonks was about to return herself since her holidays were ending. You can go with her; I can pay for a room in the Leaky Cauldron. Enough time for you to thoroughly explore the secrets of Diagon Alley" was Sirzech's honest offer, or better said, his only idea right now: stay away from Serafall. "I am sure Sona will be able to calm her down enough until the next summer holidays."
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    If he still cannot piece together that it was Ron I would be disappointed.

    Mr. Malfoy didn't show what he was thinking, but Harry felt that there was some deeper plot that he couldn't grasp. A lot of things didn't make sense. Who possessed the diary before Lavender? Who was the real target of Malfoy? For some reason, there was a blank spot in the memories of the Horcrux before Lavender received the diary. Had he Oblivated himself? For what reason?
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    really. aparently he doesnt see Rias etc as his family. especially, since all his friend in Hogwarts left.

    After a long debate with himself, he decided to remain at Hogwarts during his first year. He was the only one among the first years of Ravenclaw. All the others decided to go home over the holidays, including Hermione, Daphne, and Tracey. Daphne couldn't wait to see her sister. She had been worried sick when she heard her sister had caught some kind of sickness recently and wanted to check on her.
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    still seems slow. he is just 3 month ahead after 2 month of school. and he already read it all before even starting school.

    Harry had no problem performing the Spell since he was already halfway done with the coursework for the first year. If he didn't try to master every spell without a wand and create a corresponding magic Circle, he would have already completed all the first-year Spells.
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    but there is "pride" and "ambition" as well, not just cunning. and cunning doesnt mean hiding who or what you are.

    "I see. That sounds annoying." Nodded Harry before he added, "Then just don't go to Slytherin. The people going to Slytherin don't really fit into that House either way. Why would anyone who truly represents the Slytherin values like cunningness and deceptiveness, go to Slytherin? Everyone would be on guard of you! It's not Slytherin to be a part of House Slytherin." Explained Harry as he thought for a while about the different Houses.
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    I do hope we will actually see this play out and not have a canon rehash the moment he starts at Hogwarts.

    The rules and laws of the Wizarding World wouldn't stop Harry from studying this kind of Magic, but he didn't want to wait until he was at home in the Underworld. He wanted to be able to practice any kind of magic whenever he wanted.
    [HP X DXD] Master of a Universe
    Livros e literatura · Ashmodai
  • Ma_Se

    he is really traumatised. I kind of dislike this version of Dumbledore the most in fanfiction because you cannot either outright like or dislike him. Of course, he is still pretty far down on the dislike side.

    "Oh, I'm going to hang it up in my Entrance Hall," Harry said with a grin. "Should be pretty cool, huh?" Harry and the others laughed and continued out. Dumbledore stayed rooted to the ground with his mouth open and an expression of pure horror splashed across his features.
    Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path
    Livros e literatura · DaoistViking
  • Ma_Se

    Thats the problem if you have a god complex and dont talk about your conclusions with anyone else. If he had told anyone his reasons for believing that Harry is going dark they would just laugh at his face.

    Harry was lost. He had fallen far enough that he no longer saw the danger of his actions or the damage resulting from them. Dumbledore's initial plans were no longer viable. He had seen this with Gellert and refused to act out of love. He had seen this with Tom and refused to act out of naivety. He would no longer refuse to act with Harry Potter. It broke his heart, but…sacrifices had to be made for the Greater Good.
    Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path
    Livros e literatura · DaoistViking
  • Ma_Se

    so his desire is to somehow sacrifice Harry for his sisters life?

    "Have a pleasant evening, Harry." Dumbledore watched Harry walk away and turned to the Mirror himself. An image of Harry – cloaked completely in black with yellow eyes wide open – stared lifelessly back at him from the phantom's position slumped on the floor. A phantom Dumbledore was standing over the boy holding a rune cluster that he held to Arianna's chest. Dumbledore started crying as the phantom version of his sister slowly started to breathe again.
    Harry Potter and the Rune Stone Path
    Livros e literatura · DaoistViking