Melody of life is disappearing only last few notes are left, whether they will bring despair or dawn no-one knows.
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Froggy, are you good? You suddenly just disappeared everything is alright with your life? You didn't even said goodbye or anything brother. I hope you doing good in your life. If you are facing problem in your life, you can talk to us. you know where to find us.
I'm happy to hear that you found my work impressive. but I hope you can give me suggestions here not on discord
Yes, I'm for suggestions.
So, can we talk here ? I know m ybiggest flaw is bad grammar, my grammar isn't good. my character isn't well written, i sometimes change scene quickly without further explanation and plot isn't well written. if there's is more mistakes you can let me know, don't hesitate to say it. i like honest review and as you said you can solve my problem that would be huge help.
No, I'm not into social media but you can let me know what I need to improve here. I'll appreciate your help.
Please enlighten me and I'm just noob author not the great one.
Sir, please upload more chapters. I've been waiting for the next update for eternity.
I really loved this novel but I never thought it would end to early.I want ask JKSmanga the author in first chapter that old man who can control zombie on boat was zain, right?Is this really the end of this work, I really want to know about zain story cause that's not how all the demons would get killed there must be many out there to attack earth.I hope you can continue Level Up Zombie in the future.❤️I love your all work Your fanTRASH MONAL
I really love your work author kun but can you realise more chapters for free, I'm quite poor.... No, I'm really poor I don't have money only thing that keeping me alive now is your novel. please release more chapters. Your loyal and poor fan TRASH_MONAL