


I like reading i guess... But paying too much that i wont do...

2021-04-20 UnidoGlobal



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  • UnknownsLegacy
    UnknownsLegacy3 years ago

    Hello, author here, I am not really one to ignore ideas so I am here to ask you guys if you feel like i am progressing too fast, forgetting something, giving mc too much skills or so, please do say so.

Dragon King's Rise(Paused)

Paused due to the book being only an attempt of what i can achieve with a genre used by everyone. You can still read it if you want to. The book is a great mess. ~~~~ The Following Synopsis has slight spoilers and first few chapters might make your eyes bleed. ---- A man stood above the mountain, he was once believed to be unsurpassed by anything alive, he caused everyone to submit to him. He was unrivaled and was titled “Dragon King.” He was fair, he was humble and mostly, he was not arrogant like other dragons. Of course, not everyone is like him. Years and years later, a dark seed was planted in his pure heart thanks to blind greed of others trying to use his powers. This seed caused his personality to split. One of them arrogant and proud like a dragon, other humble and kind like a human. Two personalities conflicted with each other, eventually destroying their body. The kind personality bound itself to the proud personality and made one wish before disappearing with the last drop of sun's tears landing on them. “I seek a descendant that will be both and neither.” Raal, a normal human at the age of 19 has been haunted with his dreams, he started seeking for a way to stop his dreams and cure his curiosity of the contents in his mind. ---- This is the first book i am writing in English. It is a slight hobby for me and nothing much. If i am bored, i'll drop it. However, all you can do is just comment or so to make me feel like writing more chapters.

UnknownsLegacy · Fantasia
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12 Chs