Swedish construction and blueprint worker. I am 203 cm tall, 23 years old. brown hair, blue eyes and pale white skin and beard. I like games and litterature during the sparetime as otherthings.
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does he have this impressive Judo skill he had in the first version of the story? And the hawkeye like precision he has when he shoots.
I see, this story is here too, was reading this on Spacebattles.
The mk X tacticus did not come in production until after 999.M41. That kayaan knows of the primaris mk X in what I guess is in M31? He is a first borne, during the horus heresy the mk VI was the latest power armor.
Im reporting this as abuse.
The jedi will ask were the blaster marks are.
Corvettes and frigates and gunboats let's go!
Ah the centurion, It would be a real battlefield multiplier if they had a primaries Astraeus or a repulsor.
I thought pulse rifles were the standard among the Liberty Guard, so why would they use an inferior weapon type? Could be that these could be green fresh soldiers and have to earn to wield the pulse weapons, Idk.