

2021-04-09 UnidoGlobal

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  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey666a year ago
    Respondeu a AnotherMadKat

    Thanks for the warning. If the author doesn't bother to read his own work and correct the grammar and typos why should I even try reading it? Also the 100+ chapters without anything impactful happening is a huge red flag. It looks like those novels where the author has no clue where he wants to take his story and just write fillers to have something going on.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey666a year ago

    This novel start was good, we got a protagonist that is driven by short/long term goals and a intriguing plot. Later on everything goes downhill, and here is why: Overuse of traumatic and tragic events and badly written romance. The first real battle experience and the word trauma are brought up so many times that they lose their impact. Instead of making me feel empathy it made me annoyed as I had to read about how the protagonist was badass, mature and handsome in a loop after 100+ chapters. The romance is the worst aspect of this novel. I cringed hard reading the over the top and embarassing atempts of making the chemistry and realationship between the characters beliavable. Seriously, I could bear it if it was a couple chapters at best, but it resumes to 90% of the book. It is so bad that it reminds me of those girly wattpad fics about BTS. 😂 It's a tragedy seeing a good novel wasted like this.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey666a year ago
    Respondeu a Shinoa_69

    It's over the top, I can't stop cringing about most of the romance chapters. It reminded me of those girly wattpad fics that my Sis reads.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago

    This novel is absolutely garbage, the narrative looks like the ramblings of a schizophrenic. The characters are 1D cardboard bots with zero development and the comedy is awlful too. This novel is a super dose of weaboo autism. The ratings on this site are skewed, it doesn't make any sense THIS having more than 2 stars, it's that bad.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago
    Respondeu a VenerableChingchow

    Prove me wrong.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago
    Respondeu a Yokashi

    Wait a minute, he forgave Cassie? I stopped reading to wait a few hundred chapters, did he start simping that hard?

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago

    The first book is great but I felt the quality drop a lot by the start of the second book. The characters dialogue became edgy and cringe, there is a lot of typos and the story became boring to read, to the point of every chapter I skipped through everything except the key points. This book had great potential, but like a lot of works on this platform quantity prevails over quality and authors are hostages of time. It takes above average skill to do a good book with so much pressure.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago

    ''baby acent'' I stopped reading there

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago

    This whole novel is a mess, the main character is built like a hypocrite and the whole drama to make money doesn't make any sense. What kind of mother would lash out at her kid being responsible and working hard to better their lives? And what school controls the life of a stundent to that extent? Everything is cringe, the relationship with the ghost girls is annoying as hell too and what kind of interaction was that with the girl from the cassino? "Oh, I can't keep the money cause momma gonna find out!" and proceeds to take a credit card from a stranger with a shady background. She and her family can track him back with the card and put his famility in danger, but none of this will happen because the plot is a big cliche.

  • GilesCorey666
    GilesCorey6662 years ago

    Show, don't tell. Every time a author has to explain the plot through notes it ruins the readers experience. And that final outburst was ridiculous, red, purple and red auras? For a sec I thought I was reading The Powerpuff girls fanfiction.