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Most underrated novel here. A novel that makes me smile and is always entertaining. I cannot recommend this enough.
Yeah, I am dropping this novel. The story is not comedic enough to be OP (Overlord). Everything lacks depth. Training/battle novels only work if there is the chance he dies.
Congrats, I had to look up the word disabused cause I questioned whether that was a word or not.
I find the most joy in this novel when it's the MC's POV. It's getting more and more sparse. Too much POV switch and monologue. I can understand world building but I find it too boring. I am just skimming over most of this novel and only reading MC POV.
Keep going, I think he should still build Sound and perhaps have a base in each of the worlds he visits. He should make use of his travel. Tone down the amount of written sex. With amount of girls he can get it will just become porn. Also giving everyone the choice between death and slavery is boring. Orochi is a smart guy who had his own charisma giving peoples desires. Akin to Lucifer. He should not have to resort to threats to get women. Also its basically rape and only losers rape women.
I am not confident him playing any role in HP would work for the novel. It feels like it would be too confusing.
Being a villain in the movie maybe fun but it's hard to overcome that image IRL. The best child actor should take the lead role.
novel updates the-villain-only-wants-to-live-a-buddhist-life I tried reading this for a while but I dropped it in the end. The translation wasn't that great and the story was not to my taste.
The novel was better in the earlier chapters, and the updates are too long apart. I am also more sick of AI. It doesn't add to the novel. It's like a getting a box of something, and you realize it's mostly air.
I'm sure when you named this character that you didn't know my TTS would call him See-lum.