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Same applies to what the author said then. They would need to notice it beforehand that he's about to use the geass and look away.
That is not a necessity in a lot of countries. My parents are married and did not take each other's names.
A lot of people only read novels after they have a larger amount of chapters, so it's hard to tell early on if it's going to be popular.
Sadly in most fanfics I've read the MC gets treated horribly and still keeps going there for some reason.
I'm not against it, I just don't like the reason that was given.
Oh, you're right, I forgot about that.
Not really though, you need 2 cubic meters of water to generate infinite water, a single bucket won't generate water. Even if you have 2 water buckets the water is separated by the bucket, so it won't multiply.Just my opinion though.
I think the abilities without the description would've been fine in the first chapter. Their names were self explanatory. The more detailed description could've been in an auxiliary chapter.
Explosive ducks
Just got her yesterday in FGO. She's currently rate up.