

2021-03-16 UnidoGlobal

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  • USSExplorer
    Respondeu a InsignificantTrash

    How do we get known? Hmm, let's see. 1: We write works of fiction, that while using the created world (or worlds of another) come from our own minds, not just the copy and pasted drivel of others on various websites across the internet. 2: We use said minds to create work that others enjoy reading (and sadly, in many cases posting as their own). 3: We post to sites that aren't a heaping pile of click-bait bs like Webnovel but allow us to engage with our readers in private messages, or on threads based around our stories. Now as for the bullying... This entire episode of other readers and writers getting on your case was brought on by your failure to, at the very least, ask for permission to post the work of another. Then there's the claiming it as your own work. What has happened here is not bullying, but a collective response from writers (and readers) who are sick and tired of dealing with fools who chose to steal our work (done in our free time, I might add) and claim it as theirs. That is not bullying. That is retribution that you, and others like you, fully deserved for your flagrant stupidity, arrogance and desire for attention and praise.

    Outros · InsignificantTrash
  • USSExplorer

    I must say that publishing the work of another as your own is pathetic at worst, juvenile at best. And placing a 'review' stating it's not your work as a "review" is an embarrassing attempt to right a problem you created yourself. The original author, I have been informed, has asked you to take this down yet you have failed to do so. All of this suggests that you have a physiological need for attention that writers can earn by creating works of their own. Combined with your, from what I'm seeing in your replies to other reviews, desire for attention, makes me concerned that you need to feel validated by others to have any self-worth. For someone who claims to "loves to write" all of this drama is, in the words of Master Yoda ...

    Outros · InsignificantTrash
  • USSExplorer

    Mate, if you're going to just cut and paste someone else's story here ASK FOR PERMISSION first. To not do so, even when you state the work is not yours, is... embarrassing. Now, if an author granted you permission, and some authors might, you'd need to give a full explanation that the story isn't yours but that you have their permission to post it here.

    TV · SopitaCx
  • USSExplorer

    Mate, if you're going to just cut and paste someone else's story here ASK FOR PERMISSION first. To not do so, even when you state the work is not yours, is... embarrassing. Now, if an author granted you permission, and some authors might, you'd need to give a full explanation that the story isn't yours but that you have their permission to post it here.

    The Arc Family Techniques (RWBY)
    Anime e quadrinhos · TheEternalWanderer
  • USSExplorer

    Mate, if you're going to just cut and paste someone else's story here ASK FOR PERMISSION first. To not do so, even when you state the work is not yours, is... embarrassing. Now, if an author granted you permission, and some authors might, you'd need to give a full explanation that the story isn't yours but that you have their permission to post it here.

    A Perverted Galaxy Far Far Away (Star Wars)
    Filmes · TheEternalWanderer
  • USSExplorer

    Mate, if you're going to just cut and paste someone else's story here ASK FOR PERMISSION first. To not do so, even when you state the work is not yours, is... embarrassing. Now, if an author granted you permission, and some authors might, you'd need to give a full explanation that the story isn't yours but that you have their permission to post it here.

    Play the Game Differently
    Anime e quadrinhos · TheEternalWanderer
  • USSExplorer

    Mate, if you're going to just cut and paste someone else's story here ask for permission first. To not do so is plagiarism. If an author granted you permission, and some authors might, you'd need to give a full explanation that the story isn't yours but that you have their permission to post it here.

    Este livro foi excluído.