I have been a wild land firefighter
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I had to laugh 🤣🤣🤣 that throwing seeds at vampires makes them distracted and they count them literal meaning for count Dracula 😂😂😂
oh my 🤣I can just picture the look on the two guys faces one being treated like he treated others. 🤣🤣
🤣"The last time we bonded, I ended up lying in the hospital for a week. I'm actually terrified of bonding sessions with you!" oh my I had to laugh. makes me wonder what happened so I'm reading on😉
oh the situation she's got herself in
well that spy ! this is going to be interesting what transpires in the next chappter
oh my what a chapter. (fanning myself lol) now how is she supposed to turn this into a book with her befuddled mind!
I read this book and so far it has suspense as to what's going to happen next
this is getting very interesting . twist and turns of the characters
oh wow what a twist . I'm excited to read the rest
oh my these two