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Mr Harris your days are numbered 🥁🥁🥁
Wow wow! Love it..
Omg I want it all more on every one that is why you are the writer you know best that’s why we keep coming back for more💕💕💕
Smh why would they think Amy took advantage of their child. If they knew their daughter wouldn’t they know that this was all her idea or if her friend would be able to manipulate her😭😭😭😭 I’m sad for Amy because she just wanted to love her friend and give her happiness until the end
Lulu have gotten the bug “OPB” stay out of others business😂😂
Sara you are evil how could you want to take the life of another so you can live and to make things worst it’s the child you gave birth to ppl like you don’t deserve grace/mercy…
Hi hope you are doing well will you continue with your books… or maybe you are on another app?
Congrats on the new baby wishing you a safe delive🙏🏾🙏🏾🙏🏾