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I really want to read this story but there are no chapters! I would love to read this. And I know you haven't written anything yet but like I said, I would really love to read this.
This was such a good story!!! I loved this so much!! I will always love this book. This is now my number one favorite story. Hope college is going well! You got this! Fighting!💜💜
Question. Is it Kris from Exo or a different Kris? I am so confused.
Is there anyway to get the rest of the story from chapter 49 unlocked without paying for it? This is a really good book and I love reading it, the only thing is, is the locked chapters. Again, really good book, I love it, the only thing is the locked chapters. I would really love to read the rest of the book without running into theories chapters. And I have no coins to unlock them. So if the lock came off, I would read the rest of the book. Again love the book a lot. And hope you continue writing more. ☺
hey. so I found the story BUT I can't read it in the language that it is in. is there an English version of it? so that way I can read the rest of the story?
okay. thank you for letting me know!
I love this story. Is there going to be more chapters soon? I would love to read more of this story to find out what happens. Again, I love this story. Sending lots of love!💜💜