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thank you for the chapter! the quality is getting better each time! good job authorr 💖
yes ! little buns ~~
wahh i rlly hope he doesnt die prematurely this round
I love the premise of this book! Fluff, fluff, everywhere! The only problem I have is that the writing quality is ehh.. found some sentences that didn't make sense, or some mispelled words. Other than that, I really like this book, even though it's a little too fast paced ^___^
misogynistic* adding to that point, I feel like author paints women as shallow people who only value money and attractive looks when looking for a partner. Nothing wrong with that, but they paint them in a really bad light.
ooh im thinking that too.. or he's found another love..
I really like this story! The mc is very rational and puts his mission before his own interests. I just wish this book updated more because it's been months since the last release </3
wahh another cliffhanger