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I could definitely read about their many lifetimes together! Can't get enough 😉.
Ahhhh gotcha! Well still you know what I mean, and I really hope your cat was ok.
You did such an amazing job at how you told these stories, and then tied them all back together with a little bow on top! ❤
I am always impressed by the amount of research you probably do for most of your books/stories. Like I had to look up the type of surgery she was performing, because I had never heard of it. You could have made it something simple and just said it had cancer, a tumor that needed to be removed, or something like that but instead you did something that took much more effort on your part and also made it more believable/interesting. And with other characters jobs/careers, you are really good at giving details and descriptions that show you didn't just totally make it up or take the easy way out.
Now that you mention having cats, I wonder how many times you have used them for inspiration in your stories. Like the coloring and behavior you describe for someone's cat, lol.
Yeah my dog is mine, lol.
I kind of thought you might be because non-Childfree writers usually don't represent us the same way. Like there always has to be some overly tragic reason a main character can't, or doesn't want, children. Or they have a character that is set on being Childfree change their mind. Which don't get me wrong it happens IRL too, but not as much as they like to think it does, lol.
I really love that you chose to make some of the couples Childfree by choice. I am Childfree myself, and at 38 about 1/4 of my close friend group is as well. So it's kind of nice to see myself represented in books, instead of every main character and all their friends feeling like they have to want to have children.
I think this might have been my favorite, but it really is hard to just pick one 😉.
Yaaaaayyyyy!!! FINALLY!