Land of 12 Gates
Major Hiroki Kazo is a fourteen-year-old boy who has seen his life turn upside down in a short time. He lives in the Aras slum with Arga, his brother, and his father.
Every day, living under economic constraints, Kazo has to work hard for a better life. He was just an ordinary boy who worked diligently and rarely complained about his fate.
Until one day his brother gave him a book that told the story of a land from another dimension called Porta Loka. Kazo only thought of it as an ordinary fairy tale. Until one day, an eccentrically dressed girl came to him and said that Porta Loka was real.
Kazo didn't want to believe it until a big event made him believe that Porta Loka was real.
And from that day on, Kazo's normal life changed completely. He had to avoid the pursuit of the Aryan explorers who continued to hunt him on the orders of the King of the land.
Kazo also just realized that Arga and his father also came from Porta Loka. They live on Earth on a mission, where Kazo is their main mission that must be protected.
Kazo then went with Arga and his father to a place called Porta Loka. They are assisted by Edward Kyuron, a homeless man who is often called Grandpa Kyu by Kazo. The old man was also part of the mission. And even more surprising, he suddenly gained unexpected power.
Who is Kazo? Then what kind of place is Porta Loka?
Harny_Deidara · Fantasia
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