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Hey...Grandvoid. It's been a long time and I am forgotten but I remember that I used to comment a lot here.
hey chaosking! I don't know if you will read this but just know that this novel is fantastic and I hope you never drop it. Remember that your writing elevates someone's day. Enough with the cringe but I seriously think this is great though the upload rates are a bit saddening
I would have died thinking he was talking about the weeds of you didn't comment this. Don't know if I would be able to reread
you'll find a lot of such id*ots here who can't understand what plot armor is.
he's not transmigrated
this was such an idiotic turn. I hate this
he blind
where do you get these fire quotes from?
how did he have the intelligence or feelings to tell them this? I mean..considering he is their only king, they must have treated him like a god, for him it it should be normal to be revered, I don't get it but okay
you sound like you have experience in doing that