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2020-12-24 UnidoMorocco



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A soldier's journey in the Plaguelands to Utopia

Another world, another story, another protagonist… Stephan Lancaster was an introvert his whole life living on planet Earth. Since his parents died and left him with a huge sum of money, the first thing he did was to buy an expensive gaming computer. His whole room was basically a gaming area. He had spent hours playing and gaining skills until he became a legend in more than a hundred games. However, everything changed when a girl claiming herself to be a seat holder drags him from the Earth to Masmoenia and forces him to switch bodies with a man who was exiled outside the walls. She offered him a system to help him become stronger and familiarize him with his old living style; it’s just that this time he is the character playing instead of being behind his monitor. On top of it all, she called the system Wonderland. [Welcome to Wonderland] the system spoke. Masmoenia is a planet existing in another alternate universe. There is a disease called Ustriestan that no one knows where it originates or the cure for it. It’s a disease that invades the body and mind and turns people into monsters hunting for the souls of the living. Rumours stipulate the disease comes from a dark Empire belonging to the otherworldly dimension that hosts the dead. After the disease struck the world, many living beings changed and also the laws of life and death were messed up. The dead returned as zombies with different strengths, plants evolved and some of them developed a conscious state of mind, animals became terrifying beasts hunting for living flesh to become stronger…. To protect the remaining living from the endless tortures, all races shut themselves inside their kingdoms closing all borders against all intruders except for the vampires who took down the last two kingdoms of the human race and left them with only a small land where to live, as human titled human, not slaves. Humans living in the last kingdom called Valtrar had no other chance than to rely on old forces like the old deities and worship them, giving them offerings, doing what they asked, to simply have protection from the miasma holding the Ustriestan. ******************** If you want a cover like the one I have, you can contact kan Zi on FB

Cheers_everyone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
346 Chs

Regrets for fantasy

“Have you ever been short on storytelling scenarios? I create my own.” Aurora is a well-known author on Earth but she lives on another planet. Her latest work in progress is about a depressed girl who thought of ending her life more than once but couldn’t, due to unknown reasons. Her secret ingredient to writing best-selling stories was to experience the feelings for herself. “Everyone needs material on a story and it must be perfectly made.” In fact, the depressed girl called Sierra is no other than Aurora herself. She possessed her body and took her identity, without forgetting of course, the sealing of her memory. The country she chose was a closed-off country where vampires were the rulers. The system was simple, with the existence of ten ranks and human had to take exams to level-up a rank and have more privileges. It was just a way to keep them busy. Every day was the same for her as Sierra. Going to school, struggling with negative thoughts, living in a home with permanent arguments… She was living a scenario she created for herself and explored the path ahead of it. However, someone approached her one day. Sparkling black hair, obsidian looking eyes, a fair face that made him the attention of his class, he was a boy studying in the same school as her and was attracted to the hair of this stranger. Amongst all the people living inside the country of Revampirina, she was the only one he has ever seen with ginger hair. She didn’t care at first, but because of his involvement in her life, things turned for the better and then to the worse. Since meeting him, her whole life turned upside down. Her mother left, her father died and her high school life ended. She was involved in the upper class of Revampirina, discovering that the reason why humans never made it past the fifth rank was that they weren’t vampires. “Who thought that the boy I met and fell in love with was a vampire and someone high-ranked on top of that? They say a person always gets attracted to his match and I was attracted to a boy acting like the high schooler he is while he was a terrifying vampire whose reputation wasn’t something worth ignoring.”

Cheers_everyone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
144 Chs

Forsaken souls: nightmare of the dead

“Are you afraid of the dark?” There was a party going on tonight; everyone was excited for the thrill and dangers the host promised us. We were meant to be present and show ourselves with our most attractive attires. Everyone received a letter accompanied by an invitation. It was the perfect excuse to chill and take a rest from all our jobs. It was a custom party. We were asked to choose whatever costume we wanted and wear it for the occasion. “What are you thinking about?” I turned my head to eye a man who studied with me when I was in high school. It felt weird meeting all my classmates. It was surprising for all of us. The invitation had us all coming here in addition to strangers I had never seen; all twenty-two students of the 3-E class. I felt horrible and a sense of foreboding engulfed me; I felt like I shouldn’t have come. “I thought how we came all to the same party; it must have been someone we knew, don’t you think so, Emmanuel?” Emmanuel offered me a glass of wine that he carefully filled. I remembered how my mother warned me to never accept offerings from strangers, that I should keep away from any frightful circumstances. Nevertheless, I accepted his kindness and gulped the content in one go. I felt nervous; I was the only one without a fancy dress or flashy jewellery. I needed to chill. “I heard that the host made this party specifically for you, you must rejoice.” I waited for the host to show up and announce the events of the night, the games he prepared carefully and the excuse to be away from this place. I hated being here. It was comfortless and dreary. As I waited, my vision started turning blurry and darkness engulfed my vision slowly. I wanted to ask Emmanuel what was happening and to catch me before I fall. My surroundings went awry and I fell. The next moment I opened my eyes, my body experienced the pain of a fall and I was in a gloomy warehouse where even the sun couldn’t penetrate its huge walls. [Welcome to the party everyone! This is a party specifically made for the dead. Only by being dead you win.] And a burst of horrendous evil laughter resounded in my ears like the scream of a ghost.

Cheers_everyone · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
16 Chs