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Your review will be very helpful for me to improve. Thank you ❤️❤️
I thought that it will be like other stories out there but as I continue reading there are twist you did not expect. Keep up the good work, ❤️❤️.
A monkey! Exciting!!! Awesome portray of character. I keep on reading curious to know what will happen next. Keep up the good work my fellow Filipino,❤️❤️❤️
The characters are awesome. The flow is good, easy to follow through. This story goes straight to my library. Keep up the good work ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️.
This is new for me. First chapter have proven that this story is good. An adventure with a cicada, exciting! Keep up the good work!!!!❤️❤️❤️
Wow, I'm hooked. First chapter is good so does the next. Good plot, very detailed and intriguing. Keep up the good work, this goes straight to my library ❤️.
There are a lot of twist because I want it to be different from other history stories.
Why Makkon believe her so easily will be revealed someday.
Thank you for the knowledge, I will see to it that your advice is followed. I will begin editing. Very appreciated ❤️❤️