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Fighting for her place in heaven
I think they mean a train car
Marriage is even less appealing after the new rule of having to 'cool off'. This means: 1. You have to wait 30 days after initial filing for divorce to confirm you still want the divorce and you're not just being 'impulsive'. 2. If you miss the appointment to confirm you both want to divorce, then the request to divorce is automatically canceled. Which, you know, just leads to women, who are trying to escape domestic violence, suffering even worse or dying under their abuser's hands...
So we just gonna forget how you acquired this son in law in the first place? Lol
Hahaha months ago I said the author was gonna make tan Jing try to murder Qiao Mei. I knew it. I called it. The author only lets psychos hate Qiao Mei. It's to condition the reader into thinking 'hating Qiao Mei means you're a horrible person' in this story. You can't dislike the Mc and still be a normal person.
Therapy is so important
It's not a particularly special or secret method lol
Yeah but he DID marry her and it's been years. They didn't want male lead to marry main character either. They didn't even know about her and had they known he was made drunk and basically taken advantage of, they would definitely have not supported the union. But they almost immediately adopted main character into their family. The visible difference between the two daughter in laws is the pregnancy, which is obviously tan Jings sore spot. Any normal person would still be hurt, regardless of any other issues in a marriage, and most marriages DO have issues.
Okay but like. I've been petty and threw my sisters blanket on the floor before. Twenty years later, no murder in my criminal history. Life isn't always a slippery slope and bouts of pettiness doesn't mean someone is unsalvageable or unforgivable. And I was right. The author does completely make yet another character irreconcilably horrible, because people can't dislike Main Character without being a terrible person. There is no gray area...
So then why the knife??