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mc must get a strong psychic Pokemon even if it's a legendary as he has such strong psychic powers he must get the most powerful psychic type too
yes cleave or dismantle or infinity and six eyes limitless basically give him gojo or sukunas skills he needs it summon only is not helping or something akin to shadow monarchs power and as he masters it it will evolve in primordial darkness fitting for him
bruh bandits would get folded it like using a tatical nuke on a target that needs sword or Bullet to solve the problem
please make peggy youmg again to be with cap
very good choice author gohan with bulma is weird after him seeing her as a mother figure
indra already have ashura
dragon for minato
MC Must sit on the empty throne make those on the red line know what's up I think doffy will die protecting ross and mc will take on goal of conquering the world in his brothers behalf
I think author you have gotten shivas character a bit wrong he is not different to humans there are many instances of him showing his generous side he is the one who loves species regardless of any difference between them lord Shiva is like that
Morgan incoming