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Thank you so much for the gift
Thank you so much for honest review. I will do well to improve myself
I respect the fact, that the story is a slow build up but we need more actioooooooonnnn
Random kills? There are no random kills, Cain has to kill a wether beast while his system obtains its life essence and covert it to chaos essence for him. I bet you don't want me to always write down every essence he get, do you?. And thanks for reading it.
Well... reaching chapter 17 is well an achievement I say... but calling it trash when u haven't gone more than 30% is poor judgement to be honest.
Thanks for your comment for just reading the beginning of the book. I hope you could read more and then give a good reply
I am truly sorry for such a mistake but I am trying my best to learn English to have more access to descriptive words. Please pardon my errors as English is not my first language. But I promise to rectify my errors once I have gotten better.
I really apologize for the inconvenience but English is not my first language so please pardon any mistakes you see and help point them out so I correct it later
I know... and I am truly sorry about that... I tried correcting it but I can only do little things about. I will try to reach out to my editor to see if I can do something about it [img=recommend]
Even I the author can't believe Cain is that prideful. But he learn a lesson about that for sure. Join me let's read it together