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OK, It took me a minute to process this :D. So this dream what "would happen" if not for Keith's black fate. It didnt really happend, it wasnt vision from his future or anything like that. Im sold :) Ill leave this comment here in case someone else is as dense as I am
Not sure I buy this explanation, but thanks for answer. If I were to assume its like You explainded (witch I should, considering its Your novel :D) then it explains my doubts. I think I'll re-read it with this explanation in mind and see what it changes for my POV.
Note to author: Dont take it the wrong way. I wrote so much about this, because I love this novel and I hope You will continue writing it without dropping in quality. Great job overall.
Im a little dissapointed. Its like author forgot first half of the novel. There are inconcistencies between future we knew and what Yexuan knows. 1. in chapter 18 we foud out that Keith died and Vanessa went on rampage in Sameran city where Ye Tian together with Quinque stops her (quote: His heart [Keiths] clenched when he recalled how his mother had fought after his death.[...] And then [Ye tian] driven by rage and guild took the matters in his own hands and assassinated Vanessa"). Therte was mention about three main families so it still happend before Ye tian ascended realms. 2. Yexuan "knows" Minami from the future, but she should die if not for Keith saving her- which he didnt do in the timeline Yexuan is from. There are few more minor discrepencies, but you know what I mean. I strongly sugest author to refresh his knowledge about what he himself wrote before.
I dont like write reviews, but I had to. Im just too pissed at MC. He thinks he is a hotshot becouse he have a system, yet he squanders its potential. Two BIG reasons: 1. He is so stupid that he doesnt even know he is stupid. Why wont he increase intelligence? If he did maybe my reason nr 2 wouldnt be valid. 2. System grants him opportunity to instantly get every knowledge he finds on the internet or any device. SO WHY didnt he learn advanced physics, biology, chemistry etc first? In a world where everything can be an ability You need massive knowlage to counter them or defend against them. At least those non-common ones. MC complais all the time that he doesnt have money, yet he doesnt use system to take control of ATM or something- MC hates his goverment, so I doubt it would weight on his conscience. Im not gonna complain about other characters, world building etc. Those elements are decent.
what he ment is swordsman is a person. archery is discipline. to be cpnsistent it should be swordmastery and archery or swordmaster and archer.
If I understand correctly he will be orange on lvl 11? Not 100% sure tho.
NO! I refuse to read another novel with goody two-shoes...
No foreshadowing lines please...