I like to read the same type of story over and over again.
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The guy that gave it 3 stars is r*tarded, this story is great. Only way to not enjoy it is if you hate slow development or just want wish fullfilment slop. Even then the development while slow never had me bored. Translating this must have been a pain the a*s too, so props for the translator's amazing work🫡
This book is amazing, please don't drop it 😩
I mean, this ain't an attack to Tony Stark character or anything, the reason they don't use it is because the writers understand the point
Ngl, I didn't remember the context and had to read the paragraph again. I wasn't saying that his mother shouldn't feel the way she does, more like I don't think Nezu is in the wrong in any capacity
Of course I wouldn't be able to personally, but that's why the best decisions are taken by third parties with as little bias as possible. If murderes were judged by the family of whom they killed every sentence would be a death sentence. If murderers were judged by his own family they might go unpunished. That's why an unfilliated judge uses universal rules to come into a decision, if the judge has any connection whatsoever his decision is considered invalid and someone else has to take his place. The jury system similarly uses an unfilliated group of people that even with their own personal biases have to come into the same conclusion, trying to come up as close as possible to an universal decision
I like the story but I think you need to dial down the dialoge, Vegeta is about to go Super Yappiyajin
Honestly, it get rids of the annoyng parts of world travelling in the modern era
Portuguese, author is brazilian