Aria in the multiverse {Dropped}
Aira is a girl that loves acting she sees herself ass neither good nor bad she simply does what she wants and she especially loves acting as anime character.
People who know aria may say shes the devils spawn or shes the incarnation of evil and some may says shes the sweetest person they met but one non of them are true or so Aria thinks, she doesn’t even know what her real personality is cause most of her life shes been acting the only things she’s certain of is her pride.
Watch as Aria goes through the multiverse slaying god,kings,demons,devils,angels,and mortals a like as she makes a name for herself in the multiverse.
*The worlds she visits will have changes to it she will almost never follow plot unless she finds it still interesting she also just wants entertainment in her life*
haremphobic · Anime e Quadrinhos
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