de leitura
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see, she's got many flaws, but just this alone negates all of that and makes her wife material, lol.
true, but idc the more excuses we get to decimate Ron Weasley the happier i am.
i don't think highschool dxd god actually created humans... i think he only created the angels, not that it's actually addressed in canon, there's only fanfictions clashing against each other, so anyone saying yes or no is just giving an opinion and not a fact, we only have the real bible to go on but lmao that doesn't really hold up in an anime about tits now does it?
even if not, it's still blatant molesting lmao, none of the stuf that went on this chapter had consent in any sort way. don't get me wrong i'm not being a Karen about it i just felt it was sudden without knowing why...
why did bro suddenly turn into a rapist...
yeah, true, it, serves more to make mc seem useless and Tang hao as the real mc lmao, it's essentially saying that he would be completely dominated by Tang Hao with the same level of cheats...
was he about to say she's on her period? bro really doesn't fear death...
the entire einzbern body situation may sound all spicy to some until you actually use your brain to think about it and realize it's disgusting.
it's joever
beast god Di Tian would like to know your location