


My email: jenniferurai6@gmail.com

2020-09-14 UnidoMalaysia



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Please Say, I Love You!

On the first day of coming to campus, Lilian Casey had fallen for her seniors. There were one of her senior she attracted to. His name is Brent Dawson. She didn't know much about him but he really makes her heart beating faster whenever she close to him. During her campus day, she will find any way to make an accidental encounter with him. She tracks all his scheduled classes and digging all information about him. Day by day, the two of them are getting closer. They were getting to know each other started with a senior-junior relationship and then into the friendship. After they become a friend, Lilian decides to confess her feeling toward him. She knows that she maybe will lose her friendship if he rejected her but...she doesn't want to give up and determined to confess her feelings. In fact, she didn't know that Brent was not a real human! He does not even belong in that world. He has come into that world because he has a mission to do. After complete his mission, he had to return back to his own place. He has to left everything he has in that world. After knowing his real secret identities, will Lilian let him go from there? Will Brent going back to his original place and never return back into that world again? What will happen to their relationship? Are they really not going to be together because of their different world, different identities? There's gonna be one by one secret will be revealed.

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
30 Chs

I Choose You Today, Tomorrow and Forever

In this world, we gonna make our own decision for whatever we gonna choose for our life. It will be either in our career, friends, business, loves, and whatever things we wanted. We will face a difficult time whenever we want to choose the wise one. The decision we choose will depend on our situations and also on our experiences. Sometimes, it easy for us to choose what we want but not for certain people. There may be someone else who has a difficult time making their own choice. But, we must remember that if we already set our mind to choose those things... we must take it and faces it bravely. In this timely story, Jordyn Jessa was one of the people that hard to make her own decisions. This time, she need carefully choose her partner in life. This because...she wants to choose someone she can rely on. She has a long relationship with her boyfriend, Simon Karson from middle-high school until university, but their relationship was ended when they tried to give space to each other. They decided to end their relationship on good terms while they want to focus on their own career. She didn't agree to break their relationship because she willing to waiting for him rather than break their relationship. However, until several years...Jordyn still didn't hear any news about his boyfriend. Even after many years, she tried to forget him and wanted to find his own partner that can replace him. She didn't want her love after this to make her more heartbroken. Until one day...she fell in love with someone again. The man was her new CEO, Emmanuel Karson. She notices that her new boss has the same personality as her ex-boyfriend before but she just thinking that coincidence only. After getting to know him better, and spending time with his boss ... she found out something that more surprising. ***** ''Jessa... it's me...Karson... yours Simon Karson...'' He finally telling the truth her. ''What? What you really mean? How come you be a Simon?'' I standing clueless there. ''I know you will not believe in me. Come, follow me'' He brings her to his secret room at his house. ''After you watched this all, you will believe me...I'm sorry to hiding this all from you. I have to because I already make a promise to the Emmanuel family. What will happen to Jordyn and his ex-boyfriend that have a new different face? Will, she still in love with his ex even he not have the same face as before? Will she choose him like she always waiting for to him come back to her as she wants?

refinnej_iaru93 · Adolescente
Classificações insuficientes
38 Chs

Two Worlds, Yours Eternally Guardian

In ancient times, there was a wealthy kingdom named The Kingdom of Opulent. This Kingdom has a great domain and always becomes the best kingdom. That Kingdom was lead by The King of ZIDON. He has three son names, PRINCE JORDAN, PRINCE NATHAN, and PRINCE DARIUS. Therefore, there was a girl that living far from the Kingdom. She lives there with her family in The Mountain of The Sky. The girl's name is MAYA TWYLA. She is an ordinary girl but a nimble girl that loves to do adventurous things. She had a high spirit to follow in the footsteps of his father who is a legendary warrior. Until one day, her father had been chosen to be one of the Royal guardians. The Kingdom was attacked by some enemy that wants to conquer the Kingdom. But, the worst thing is, Maya's father also died in that battleground. And Maya's love story began when she has to follow her father's last promise to protect Prince Nathan, who is the next heirs to be the King of the Kingdom of Opulent. After spending time together, Maya and Prince Nathan were falling in love with each other. But, the happiness of Maya was gone like a flash when Nathan was killed. She was totally miserable. And one day when she wants to bury Nathan's corpse, she accidentally meets an unknown old woman. The old woman suddenly offered her help to make Nathan become alive again. She can't believe it and trying to disregard her. But, as Maya was truly in sadness and she really can't accept the Nathan was dead, she had to agree to the old woman helping. She can't think anything and she only wants to make Nathan to alive again and be with him again. Therefore, once she agrees to all the terms from the old woman, she instantly follows her wish. Like a flash, when she opens her eyes slowly, she was shocked to see herself in the other world. The place was very different from the place she just in now. She was puzzled. She didn't know where is she exactly. In fact, she was shocked to see the different people, different places, different environments and for sure, she was in a world that more modern in her place before. But the most shocked is, she saw Nathan in their world too! Nathan does not even know about her. They really become strangers in that world. What is happening?? Not only Nathan but the other people she knows was in that world too! She is totally confused. What will happen to Maya after she arrived in that modern world? Will she meet with Nathan again? Will their love united again? Why the old woman makes her come to that modern world? What really the secret that Maya will know after she discovered it all? Did Maya have to choose which world would she stay?

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
12 Chs

Me and The Sworn Man

Ara Arianna- The ordinary girl who has dreams to be a jewelry designer one day. She hopes to have her own brand of jewelry design. As she struggling with her mom's fund medical treatment, she has to work any job to raise money. Her mom has cancer disease and needs to have treatment for a long time at the hospital. Ryan Nathaniel- The famous businessman. He has his own jewelry shop company. He also a strong-willed person. He always does what he wants to do in his life. But, there was a secret behind this man's life. He has a curse in his family that they are half-human and half of the monster. He had tried many ways to destroy the curse but it failed and he had to through it all alone. After they got married, Ara was shocked to know his true identities. She married a man who was sworn to be a monster! She was really scared after knowing the truth about him. After she accepts all his terms and condition, she didn't realize what will happen after that. She acquires all his requests and follows whatever he wants her to do. She knows it was too late for her to regret but she has to end all of this on her own. Throughout their marriage, Ara realizes that she falls in love with him first. She didn't know how to tell him about her feeling and decide to just keep it only. Until one day, there was something happens and Ara decided to tell Ryan her true feelings and don't want to hold her feeling anymore. After she made the confession, she chooses to leave him. In fact, Ara can't bear it if Ryan rejected her love and didn't accept her into his extraordinary life. Will they help each other with their own struggling life? What will happen to their marriage? Will it be longer or just for a while? Will the presence of Ara help Ryan to remove his curse forever? And for the last...will their love be united forever?

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
11 Chs

31 Days With You

As we know, the month of December has the 31st day and most people are very fond of this month. They will plan their long holiday this month with traveling, hanging out with friends or family, and for sure to celebrate Christmas day! This story begins with one girl that has a lonely life. She didn't have many things she wants in her li, but, deep down in her heart, she really needs someone in her life to accompany her. She really wished her holiday for this year was the best for her but what really happened was not in her really thought! One day, her friends invite her to join their reunion from high school. They make a trip going to the beach that far from their city. But, as she agreed to follow the reunion, she didn't know that she would meet someone with a secret identity. A guy that has no identities! A guy that a very different from their world. She only spends time with him only a month which means they only have the 31st day to spending time together. The guy has to go back to his world after he has done with his mission. However, after she knowing about the real identities of the guy, she was really shocked! That guy was a vampire! She can't believe that she will fall in love with a vampire! But the worst part was that guy was involved in her family accident. As they only have a short time together, can they cherish their time together? What will happen if they together not for a long time? Can she let him go? How will she react to all whats will happen to her as she knows that guy was involved in her parent's accidents? Will he go back to his world or stay with her?

refinnej_iaru93 · Fantasia
Classificações insuficientes
6 Chs

Chrysanthemum of Love

Jaynee Jill was a girl that really loves chrysanthemums flower. Her dreams were to have her own shop flower. Besides that, she has the ability to make perfume. She uses her favorite flower to make her own perfume. Jaynee Jill was a lovely girl that always have joy and a simple person. She only has a mother and her two siblings name Jerald and Joyce. They always support her whatever she wants to do in her life. They believe someday Jaynee will achieve her own dream. One day, she going to a big city to find a job. She actually applies to some companies that produce perfume. At there, she lived with her best friend's name Louisa for a while. She really feels grateful to have her friend help her from start. From the beginning, her life was liked as whats she planned. Until that day, she meets with Louisa's brother that she long time didn't meet. Louisa's brother's name was Lewis Simon. He works as a doctor. Jaynee's life gonna change after she knows Lewis was has a crushed to her for a long time. She didn't know that Lewis will fall in love with her. She at first didn't have feelings for Lewis until someday she knows what her heart wants and what really her feelings to Lewis. But, there was something that happened when she wants to accept Lewis into her life. One day, she knows that she suffering from kidney disease. She really feels sad and heartbroken. She didn't want to make troublesome to anyone. From the beginning, she didn't know what to do about her life. She feels lonely and feels sad inside her heart, even though she has her friends, family, and Lewis who always with her to through it all. Will Jaynee survive with her disease?? Will Jaynee still accepts Lewis's love? Will her love and Lewis gonna be together forever or just go in their own way?? Will their love gonna be like the chrysanthemum of a flower that means for the devotion of their lives?

refinnej_iaru93 · Urbano
Classificações insuficientes
8 Chs