Jones BBQ foot massage
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You are now legally obliged to make this real. Either you do it or PAY someone to do it.
Ahhhhh the watchers are bug softies.
Do obssesion demons get super autistic to their speciial interest? Bring trains to this world and watch at least one imeadietly learn every fact about every train.
Simply make more than could ever be controlled, place them like the dungeons of old.
Are the giants from the north or the west? Better yet make a map of every named location of importance. Maybe a digital one that shows the major changes every chapter.
Because there seems to be three types of sumoning or summons usually based on power. First are golems / constructs, mindless guys who follow orders with no mind of their own. Every summon pre Montauk was like this except for the companions there might be a case for the epic and greater summons between this and another secret type of summon but for now I’ll leave them here. Then there are companions which seem to be semi willful but still unable to refuse orders but can still say they don’t want to do something and can exploit loopholes if they choose, luckily they usually like their masters though. Lastly there are what I’ll call creations like what the plauge mother does where the summons are fully realized individuals who are born seemingly completely free but also devoted to their mother like most children, even if these children are born as fully adult. So where do the watchers sit? And what is the general consensus for the ‘personhood’ of their summon type?
I gotta know if the watchers were created by Cain’s skill or not because the ancients don’t seem to mind or even notice them. But they are still ancients and thus likely able to communicate with the collective. Are they also limited by the ley lines??
I wonder if he could summon a clone of the giant leaderand grill it for everything it knows about the invasion.
The real question I have is if lesser demons are more like wild animals / these are constructs like Cains golem skills. Because that probably gets evry weird very fast if she just… creates spme guy no memories no experience litterally born 2 seconds ago.
This reminds me of the first couple hundred chapters when it was running around care free doing the easy dungeon crawls and having fun. Then he got out of Mauntauk and the entire story went from the simple valley life to a slowly snowballing political mess with every city and kingdom flipped on its head for the betterment of everyone, the story slowly walks further and further from what I originally fell in love with. When Cain used a bow and his summons were limited. When the wasps were still good and the experience bonus was calculatable and seemingly significant, even if it was absurdly high more often than not.