Just an ordinary lady from Ghana West Africa. Who has been putting down bit and pieces of her experiences in diaries until she decided to share with the world.
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Nice put together however, there is a long room of elaboration if you don't mind. Just a few evasive omissions. Good try.
Blissful read! no grammatical faults. congratulations.. Do check the ending though... May was still in the way so she couldn't have fallen on the ground. #tip
The first paragraph needs a little more stuffing to smooth the transition. There are only 2 words amiss in this chapter. The grammatical expressions needs just a little retake then you are perfect. In all fine pieces.👍
Gutsy synopsis introduction, I must say; but catchy! And well deserved! The progress does justice to the whole however, if not attentive? Will the summarys who intention evade ones understanding. That not withstanding, great synopsis without grammatical flaws which compliment a worthwhile piece of literature. I recommend this book to every person above the parental control lines.
The synopsis tells alot about what to expect but the adrenaline rush the whole work brings it better to dive in personally than just pause at the summary.
Thanks. Appreciate your comment.
The cover is catchy and the synopsis initially goes well until the later part which becomes a little distracted. The author has review to do but it is a good plot.
You told the truth. I have poetic background in English and can't help it sometimes. LoLs. will endeavor to light it out. thanks💋
A quality synopsis that makes the journey through the literally piece smooth with correct Grammer as well as error free. This is a go to book if you are a fun of action missed with excitement. Nice work author.🤜🤛