


Ancap Voluntaryist

2020-09-02 UnidoUnited States

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  • Morgriff

    seems dumb to do this in dungeon. should bring blood with her rather than weaken your only team member.

    "Hey Mei…." Shizuku licked her lips. "Do…. Do you mind if I drink a bit of your blood?"
    I Got Summoned And Got Cheat Skills Along With A Yuri Slave Harem
    Livros e literatura · invayne
  • Morgriff

    kinda dumb to make a fox girl so stupid. foxes and fox beastkin are pretty much always associated with intelligence, tricks, and cleverness.

    [Intellect]: 4
    I Got Summoned And Got Cheat Skills Along With A Yuri Slave Harem
    Livros e literatura · invayne
  • Morgriff

    am I remembering wrong cause I thought people in this world couldn't do magic until they got their grimoire?

    When i became three years old,it became apparant that i couldnt use any speck of magic,though the others were supportive of me and kept me going.
    Black Clover: Training system
    Anime e quadrinhos · MynameJeff
  • Morgriff

    that's ridiculous people don't even get their grimoires that young.

    When i was two years old,i lost the light in my eyes, meaning i had become hopeless about my situation,Later in the week i saw the two protagonists arrived.
    Black Clover: Training system
    Anime e quadrinhos · MynameJeff
  • Morgriff

    honestly any random made up urban legend becoming real sounds stupid

    Ch 75 Urban Legends
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    that would be dumb

    Este número foi suprimido.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    also let's go to war and slaughter innocent fairies because the queen tricked me.

    Yuki shrugged her shoulders and happily ate more of her food. "Well, I told her I punched her for kidnapping me and making me drink that potion or whatever it was. She stood up afterward and laughed it off, saying I had good form. She then said she would train me in combat and tactics like when she was with the Amazon Warriors. After that, I may have declared war on the summer court."
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    I fail to see any scenario where a person wouldn't hate these people just as much. they kidnapped you and killed your allies then forced you to drink their blood and mutated you.....

    Yuki shrugged her shoulders and happily ate more of her food. "Well, I told her I punched her for kidnapping me and making me drink that potion or whatever it was. She stood up afterward and laughed it off, saying I had good form. She then said she would train me in combat and tactics like when she was with the Amazon Warriors. After that, I may have declared war on the summer court."
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    I sense one of those ridiculous revenge plots coming where countless innocent people are killed by a hypocrite.

    Yuki laughed loudly as she covered her face with her hands. Once her laughter died down, she looked at the Faery Queen with a cold gaze. "I see how it is. You don't have allies, just pawns. As long as you remain in power everyone is disposable. You will regret this in the future. I hope I am there when I see your broken dynasty crumble."
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    seems like something that can't actually be proven so it would be pretty weird to just take that accusation at face value from your kidnappers

    "Yes, we were after that small faery, but then you showed up displaying that you had the blood of royalty flowing within you. So, we changed our plans. We also suspect that woman also gave you her blessing as a way to save her daughter. She most likely made you a target on purpose." The witch said, revealing her thoughts.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    she's an idiot.

    "Host body? I didn't gain any new memories. I am still the same person you tied to this stupid altar and force-fed a strange potion to!" Yuki shouted angrily at the witch. Sometimes this game was a bit too realistic for her tastes, and she wasn't sure what was in the game usually or what was changing.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    what's with the mc and the daughter not forgiving people lol. your dad had her father murdered ffs and she apologized, to you.....

    The trio of bullies ended up separating after the incident. Aria found herself alone and with no friends. Yuki felt bad for the girl. She still couldn't bring herself to fully forgive her but watching her stumble through school as some of the other students jeered at her pulled at her heartstrings. So Yuki has been slowly spending time with Aria as she has started to shut herself off from everyone.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    Def gay

    User73401: Not gay, but I'd slob on her knob like corn on the cob.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff


    User99008: Not gay, but I'd be on her dick like white on rice.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    psionic should still work?

    "Ha! Give it up. We set up an anti-magic field, so you can't use your spells. Cost us a fortune for it but worth it. Boys! Looks like it's the hard then." The man says.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    you can explain the rough outlines of the psychic energy.

    I thought about how to answer the question for a moment, but I don't know how to. The dungeon was made for me specifically and no longer exists. "I can't really help you there, as the method to get it doesn't exist anymore," I reply.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    I mean she actually left the guy costing herself a fortune, literally, because you told her to. pretty sure I'd have totally forgiven her at this point.

    Never would I have imagined that I would be having lunch with the woman who Kaito left me for, but looking at her now, I find that I don't hate her. I mean, I did hate how she went about things, but despite the front, she put up, she, too, was just scared. I realize she had just come to me yesterday, but I can feel myself starting to forgive her.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    she can't do casual pvp since dying is such a huge deal for her

    "I, too, would like to add you as a friend. I am not in a guild, but I am a top solo player. It was fun fighting by your side in this battle. I hope in the future, if you don't mind, I'd like to PvP with you at some point. By the way, the name is Stockwulf Syndrome, but you can call me either Wulf or Syndrome." The Large werewolf player stated.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    so dumb. if playing a game is going to give you irl magic I'd be in there every waking moment.

    "It won't be that bad. I know you probably wonder why even bother with education if magic is about to be real. But I say better safe than sorry. We don't know how the world will change. Maybe everything will collapse, and our education system will become pointless. Maybe everything stays relatively the same, and there are just some things added in. Maybe they might even teach magic in college at some point." I replied back.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte
  • Morgriff

    yeah cause any normal person would have forgotten to tell anyone important to them about the conversation they had confirming God's and magic were real and that the world was about to be destroyed.

    "Duh, I forgot to tell you about that. So, after I logged back into the game after I was stuck, I ran into Eri." I then explained my whole meeting with Eri and how an actual goddess hijacked rebirth online to save our planet out of boredom.
    Rebirth Online: From Single Mother to OP Demon Lord
    Fantasia · Sfayte