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ah so they are tsunderes
awwww. so they are tsunderes
I dont get how these people saying invest forgot that the system said he cant make money through investments to spend for more points. he can make the money yes but the money he makes can't be used for points. it even said that when he bought gold as an investment. to prevent doubling up
I dont know about you but if I eat a home cooked meal and I really like it ill say "this is delicious. thanks you" ie like at a friend's house and their parents cook or something.
am I the only one?
why did I think of the black hole eating the dragon. then why did I think of dbz abridged on namek where friezas black ball gets eaten by gokus spirit bomb and picture with the sound that scene with the *nom nom nom
"trust me" she said
I misread as Darius dude for a sec and almost soat out my coffee. had to re read it just to be sure
this book is amazing. one of if not the best I've read on this site. but definitely the best of its kinds. I love rpg stat and level type of books and this fits that to a T. My only problem is I binge read the book in 2 days its that good. NEEDS MORE CHAPTERS. I also love the involving readers into story part. never had that before and once I have enough coins I plan on being a top donater one month just so I can be in the story. also reading another one of youre books now that I've finished this one and I gotta say elder blood is fking awesome too. great work author. keep it up. you're my new power stone bank I invest in.
lol nvm checked his profile he fit the description.