Just a normal human going along with the tide whilst enjoying a few good books and adding a comment here and there. Edit: Now she writes a book! Fear the ascended one!
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The road was long, but sadly, all travels have an end. Let us have a moment of silence for the story. *Splat*
More like a Brit Spiffing... hehe. I'll leave now.
Now, imagine... Fairy with an inventory capable of holding boulders... Who needs seige machines? Hehe.
This is a time paradox... neat.
I believe it said a superior being that is sentient.
Oof... it's probably true, honestly.
That's... Insane. She could just sit on that bear from earlier.... the reach of her legs, too... That's like the longest spear in history.. well.
Mhm~ Love the book and all, Author-san, but this just took a turn I don't think I can follow~ Good luck with future updates, and much love~
Ah~ Noble is such an ironic word.